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News Bulletin 23 Mar
on 23 MarchFrom NZ media this week
Nursing and Midwifery Service Development Team Review
Significant feedback on the proposed restructure of the Nurse and Midwifery Service Development Team (NMSDT) was received from nurses across Nelson and Marlborough.http://www.nzdoctor.co.nz/un-doctored/2011/march-2011/21/nursing-and-midwifery-service-development-team-review.aspx
Christchurch has lost 600 rest-home beds because of the earthquake, leaving many elderly facing a future outside the city.http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/christchurch-earthquake/4789940/Rest-home-bed-stock-down-600
Draft suicide reporting guidelines due next month
A draft set of guidelines for how the news media should report on suicide is expected next month, Associate Health Minister Peter Dunne says.http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10712599
‘Betrayed’ nurses lay formal complaint
THE New Zealand Nurses Organisation has laid a formal complaint with Tairawhiti District Health after the board failed to pay nurses correctly during the Christmas and New Year public holidays.
NZNO Supports A Smokefree New Zealand By 2025
The New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) congratulates the Government on its response to the bold Māori Affairs Select Committee report that calls for a Smokefree New Zealand / Aotearoa by 2025.
ED gets access to patient notes
Middlemore Hospital emergency department staff are getting access to the front page of patient notes in a pilot scheme launched last monthhttp://www.nzdoctor.co.nz/news/2011/march-2011/17/ed-gets-access-to-patient-notes.aspx
Sharing the knowledge on speeding up EDs
A new Ministry of Health booklet on the Emergency Department (ED) health target will help inform hospital teams on ideas to achieve shorter waiting times for ED patients.http://www.nzdoctor.co.nz/un-doctored/2011/march-2011/17/sharing-the-knowledge-on-speeding-up-eds.aspx
Nurses celebrate Government decision to make NZ smokefree by 2025
Nurses celebrate Government decision to make NZ smokefree by 2025 AUT University’s Smokefree Nurses association is celebrating the government’s groundbreaking decision to make New Zealand smokefree by 2025. The decision is a result of a Maori Affairshttp://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/GE1103/S00067/nurses-celebrate-government-decision-to-make-nz-smokefree.htm
'Environmental restraint' clarified
Concern and differing practices by the health and disability sector for 'locked units' and 'environmental restraint' triggered a workshop facilitated by Standards New Zealand and sponsored by the Ministry of Health. The workshop was held to seek guidance from sector stakeholders on the intent of the 'locked units' clause of the 2008 Health and disability services Standard and how to clarify the intention of the clause and promote consistent interpretation across the sector.http://www.standards.co.nz/touchstone/Issue+25/Health/Environmental+restraint+clarified.htm?print=true
Family violence networks scramble to fight cash cuts
The Government's "it's not okay" campaign may be axed to free up funding for the new Whanau Ora programme.http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10713461
Minister calls for debate on whanau first childcare
Social Development Minister Paula Bennett is reopening the debate on the "whanau first" childcare policy, questioning if it is "doing well" by abused children.http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/4786425/Minister-calls-for-debate-on-whanau-first-childcare
When most children turn five, it's a day of balloons, presents and party food. They excitedly blow out their candles, and head off for their first day at school, backpacks brimming with shiny new pencil cases and notebooks.http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/4786471/Abused-childrens-story-has-no-happy-ending
Obese patients get supersized beds
Hospitals are spending up large on beds strong enough to cope with the strain of grossly overweight patients.http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10713634
From international media sources
The Establishment of Academic Nurse Managed Centres Sparks Debate
Following the government’s move to include nurse practitioners as providers in the Medical Benefits Scheme (MBS) and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS), a debate has been sparked over the establishment of Academic Nurse Managed Centres (ANMCs). Lea-Anne Tuaoi and colleagues discuss the development of such centres in their paper, published in the February issue of the Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal (14(1), 40–44, 2011).
Nurse Researchers Making Vital Contributions in Medical Science and Patient Care
March 11, 2011 - Across the health care spectrum—from pediatrics to palliative care—academic nurse researchers are investigating unanswered nursing care questions that will improve patient outcomes, relieve pain and enhance quality of care.
Adolescent medicine: A specialty for teen patients
Laurel Carignan was filling out some insurance paperwork in her paediatrician's office recently when she overheard a conversation between her 12-year-old daughter, who was chatting with a toddler in the waiting room, and a nurse who had just walked into the room.http://www.nzherald.co.nz/health/news/article.cfm?c_id=204&objectid=10713095
Eight Papuan nurses arrested for ‘incitement’ over hospital strike
Eight nurses and midwives have been arrested in West Papua for their alleged involvement in a strike resulting in a halt to services at the general hospital in Jayapura, the capital of the Indonesian-ruled province. They face charges of inciting their colleagues to take part in a strike.
Understaffed units associated with higher patient mortality
When the number of nurses falls below target levels, patient mortality rises, concludes research that could shift the debate about nurse staffing levels in U.S. healthcare facilities. http://bit.ly/eKcakL
When Nurse Staffing Drops, Mortality Rates Rise: (HealthDay News) -- When nurse staffing levels fell below target levels in a large hospital, more patients died, a new study discovered.
How to Avoid the Most Common Nursing Errors Affecting Patient Safety
March 17, 2011 - No one heads to work wanting to make an error, especially nurses, but people are human. Mistakes happen. Nurses and their colleagues must develop a safety mindset and work together to implement evidence-based practices that protect their patients from preventable errors.http://bit.ly/dH1EzH
Nurses want more guidance on providing spiritual help
Nurses consider spirituality to be a fundamental aspect or nursing but want more guidance on the issue, according to study findings.http://www.nursingtimes.net/5027391.article?referrer=e26
Ontario's Family Health Team Model Is 'Very Effective And Efficient Way Of Providing Health Care'
A model of health care developed by a Queen's University doctor should be studied and copied as a way to reform health care in the U.S. The U.S. is facing a problem of adding 40 million people to its health care system if...
New Study Reveals Critical Role Nurses Can Play In Helping Patients And Families Confront Ethical IssuesFor years people have known of the positive impact nurses can have on the physical and mental well-being of their patients. Now, research being done at the UCLA School of Nursing is showing that nurses can have a critical impact on the many ethical issues patients and their caregivers encounter in the growingly complex world of medicine.
Infection control 'will be hit by nursing cuts'
Progress made in tackling hospital infections in Scotland could come under threat if nursing numbers are cut, representatives of the profession has warned.http://bit.ly/i8IZhF
Despi te Economic Challenges Facing Schools Of Nursing, New AACN Data Confirm Sizable Growth In Doctoral Nursing Programs
According to new data released by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), enrollment in doctoral nursing programs increased significantly last year, indicating strong interest in both research-focused and practice-focused doctorates...
Public health
Over-40s are risking unsafe sex
Syphilis hits mainly older group Young people should tell their parents about safe sex, says Dunedin nurse and sex educator Alison Stewart-Piere. http://www.stuff.co.nz/marlborough-express/news/4769463/Over-40s-are-risking-unsafe-sex
Smokers-given-14-years-to-quit#shareThe Government has agreed with an ambitious plan to make New Zealand smokefree by 2025.
New campaign for immunisation
You've heard of Saturday night at the movies and fish'n' chip Fridays, but how about flu-jab Tuesdays?http://www.bayofplentytimes.co.nz/local/news/new-campaign-for-immunisation/3944994/
Diabetes treatment could save NZ millions
A new treatment for type 1 diabetes based on pig cells could save New Zealand hundreds of millions in health care money once it is commercialised in about two years, Living Cell Technologies co-founder and medical director Emeritus Professor Bob Elliott said. http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/4792866/Diabetes-treatment-could-save-NZ-millions
Articles of interest
A Lean Six Sigma Team Increases Hand Hygiene Compliance and Reduces Hospital-Acquired MRSA Infections by 51%
Abstract: A low hand hygiene compliance rate by healthcare workers increases hospital-acquired infections to patients. At Presbyterian Healthcare Services in Albuquerque, New Mexico a Lean Six Sigma team identified the reasons for noncompliance were multifaceted. The team followed the DMAIC process and completed the methodology in 12 months. They implemented multiple solutions in the three areas: Education, Culture, and Environment. Based on methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) mortality research the team's results included an estimated 2.5 lives saved by reducing MRSA infections by 51%. Subsequently this 51% decrease in MRSA saved the hospital US$276,500. For those readers tasked with increasing hand hygiene compliance this article will provide the knowledge and insight needed to overcome multifaceted barriers to noncompliance
Nurse managers as knowledge workers
Nursing Management: February 2011 - Volume 42 - Issue 2 - p 47–48Healthcare reform's emphasis on improved access, increased quality, and decreased costs is focusing particular attention on the use of technology and the development of electronic systems for data collection and analysis. As increasing healthcare costs are highlighted by the media, the national strategy for decreasing these costs is almost unanimously touted as implementation of electronic health records (EHRs) and technologies that will increase healthcare efficiency and prevent service delivery fraud and redundancy.
Māori health promotion - a comprehensive definiton and strategic considerations
The purpose of this paper is to provide a definition of Māori health promotion and to discuss Māori health promotion strategic issues to inform practice.
Māori health promotion is the process of enabling Māori to increase control over the determinants of health and strengthen their identity as Māori, and thereby improve their health and position in society (Ratima 2001). While this brief definition gives an indication of what Māori health promotion is about, by itself it does not convey completely the meaning and uniqueness of Māori health promotion.
Website of interest
Australian Association of Maternal Child & Family Health Nurses (AAMCFHN)
Australian Association of Maternal Child & Family Health Nurses (AAMCFHN) represents registered nurses and educators working in the field of maternal, child and family health.
Australian and New Zealand Society for Vascular Nurses (ANZSVN)
The Australian and New Zealand Society for Vascular Nursing (ANZSVN) was formed in 2007 and represents vascular nurses from a variety of work settings based in all states and territories in Australia, and in New Zealand.The ANZSVN is a professional nursing organisation dedicated to promoting excellence in the nursing care of individuals with vascular disease by providing quality education, fostering clinical expertise, supporting nursing research and contributing to the prevention of vascular disease.The objectives of the ANZSVN are to:
- Represent Australian and New Zealand Vascular Nurses as a professional body and assume a leadership role in the advancement and promotion of the specialty of vascular nursing.
- Promote an Australian and New Zealand network of vascular nurses through a website, newsletters, conferences and the facilitation of regional groups
- Liase and collaborate with national and international professional bodies and individuals who share concern and interest for people with vascular disease
- Enhance public awareness of vascular disease and encourage members to be active within the field of vascular health education and health promotion
- Assume the leadership role in defining and advancing the evidenced-based education of nurses involved in the care of patients with vascular disease
- Facilitate and encourage vascular nursing research
From the Ministry of Health
We are Targeting Better Health Services
Date of publication (online): March 2011
Summary of publication
People in New Zealand have high expectations that they will have good access to health care services when they need them.Health targets provide a clear and specific focus for action to ensure that this health care is of the highest quality and within the best possible time.
It is very encouraging to see the way clinicians around the country are working together to improve the care provided to New Zealanders in our key health target areas.
The process of changing the way we work to improve quality and efficiency, in a tight fiscal environment, challenges the ingenuity and creativity of DHB clinicians and managers.
Our focus on specific health targets is clearly paying dividends with various initiatives making a positive difference to the performance of DHBs and the services they provide.
The Ministry of Health and National Health Board will continue to work with DHBs to ensure that these targets are met and that the already high quality care provided to New Zealanders continues to be improved.
The improvements featured in this publication are part of a better integrated health care system that continues to deliver for patients.
Targeting Emergencies
Shorter Stays in Emergency Departments
Date of publication (online): March 2011Summary of publicationIn July 2009 the Government demonstrated its commitment to improving the quality and timeliness of the care New Zealanders receive at an ED, by introducing a Health Target of ‘Shorter Stays in Emergency Departments’.
The Health Target requires District Health Boards, who run the country’s public hospitals, to ensure that: 95% of patients will be admitted, discharged or transferred from an ED within six hours.This publication looks at how District Health Boards (DHBs) are working to achieve this Health Target, and discusses the real gains which are being made thanks to the creativity, teamwork and dedication of hospital staff, especially those on the frontline, and the people who provide health services and support in the community.
New publications
Stroke Information and Guidelines for Health Professionals
New Zealand Clinical Guidelines for Stroke Management 2010The report Clinical Guidelines for Stroke Management 2010, released 20 December 2010, was developed by the Stroke Foundation of New Zealand in collaboration with the New Zealand Guidelines Group and the Australian National Stroke Foundation – with input from Māori and Pacific advisory groups.It recommends that all people admitted to hospital with stroke should expect to be managed in a stroke unit by a team of health practitioners with expertise in stroke and rehabilitation.http://www.stroke.org.nz/stroke-health-professionals
Nursing: Communication Skills in Practice
Edited by Lucy Webb 352 pages | 28 photos and line drawings | 246x171mm 978-0-19-958272-3 | Paperback | 24 February 2011 Not just another communication skills book! This is a one-stop-shop for both the theory and practice of communication for both university and placement. Clearly linked to the NMC domain on communication and interpersonal skills so students can be assured they are learning what they really need. Suitable for students in all fields of nursing. Useful for the whole course: develops a sound knowledge base and applies this to a full range of patients and healthcare settings encountered on a pre-reg course. Practice examples, scenarios and learning points give students the skills to effectively deal with common challenges in communication. Essential sections on student survival skills and professional development supports the reader to excel on placement and in assignments. Videos and interactive exercises provide further insights and tips to help students develop their skills. The journey to becoming a nurse requires students to demonstrate effective communication skills with patients, carers and other healthcare professionals, based on sound evidence and apply these in a variety of care settings. Nursing: Communication Skills in Practice has been specifically developed as a one stop shop of healthcare communication theory and practical skills for all aspects of the pre-registration course - in both the classroom and on clinical placement.http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780199582723.do
Reports online
Government Response to the Report of the Māori Affairs Committee on its Inquiry into the tobacco industry in Aotearoa and the consequences of tobacco use ...http://www.nzdoctor.co.nz/media/428975/dbhoh_pap_21175_governmentfinalresponsetoreportoft.pdf
Issue 25 – March 2011The review of the Home and community support sector Standard NZS 8158:2003 is driven by a desire to continually improve the quality of home support services. Since the Standard was first published in 2003, there have been considerable changes in these services and how they are provided. Home and community staff and agencies now perform more complex tasks and carry a higher degree of expertise and responsibility. NZS 8158 continues to set the benchmark for good and safe practice by providers; however both sponsors and providers want to be able to generate more accountability from the Standard.
Seminars, conferences and hui
Innovations in Nurse Education in Practice
Thinking aloud, thinking aheadAustralasian Nurse Educators Conference
Wintec Hamilton
23-25 November
http://www.nursed.ac.nz/ APSAD Conference 2011T
he Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and other Drugs 2011 Conference (13-16 November 2011, Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart, Tasmania) will feature a rich program of national and international speakers sharing new insights in neuroscience, interventions, policy innovations and emerging challenges for our sector. For the first time, the conference will include a satellite program from our sister organisation, the European Opiate Addiction Treatment Association, which will bring extra opportunities to interact with our international colleagues.In addition, it will offer a range of presentations and workshops that have international relevance.For more information please visit the conference website,
http://www.apsadconference.com.au/ or email. apsad@wsm.com.au