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News bulletin 14 September
on 14 September
Welcome to the College of Nurses Aotearoa News Update.
No. 316 14 September 2016
National news
Nurses need more say in health strategies, industry told
Nurses need to be a part of decision making for health strategies in New Zealand, the head of the International Council of Nurses says.
Burnt-out doctors could get new 'fatigue clause' in contracts to opt out of work
Doctors' unions claim that burnout, or physical and psychological fatigue, is caused by understaffing and bad rosters.
Earlier this month the Association of Salaried Medical Specialists (ASMS) published a report showing that half of New Zealand's public hospital specialists feel burned-out, potentially affecting patient care and increasing the risk of medical errors.
Nurses back the Resident Doctors Association on safer staffing
The New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) is supporting the New Zealand Resident Doctors Association (NZRDA) in their industrial dispute with District Health Boards (DHBs) over short staffing, long hours, and burnout.
Occupational Therapy takes the lead with Treaty Governance Model.
Occupational Therapy New Zealand Whakaora Ngangahau Aotearoa, are the first allied health association in New Zealand, to authentically and practically practise a commitment to the intentions and spirit of Te Tiriti / the Treaty.
The politics of Māori health
Is the health system failing Māori? Some of those on the frontline say 'yes'. And, as Te Manu Korihi reporter Aaron Smale found out, it may not just be about money.
Kiwis benefiting from pill-free prescriptions
Health Minister Jonathan Coleman says adults and their families are benefiting from pill-free prescriptions with a new survey showing they are fitter and happier as a result.
NZ healthcare organisations condemn violence against healthcare workers
The New Zealand Medical Association (NZMA) and the New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) support the stand taken by leaders of the world’s physicians and nursing associations, who have condemned the continuing violence against health personnel in Syria and other nations.
Karl du Fresne: Extraordinary people in our own backyard
OPINION: The world recently watched as exceptional people did extraordinary things at the Rio Olympics, but over the past weeks I've been reminded that exceptional people do extraordinary things every day right here in our own backyard.
New book promotes Maori approaches to psychology
A new book illustrating the unique approaches MÄori psychologists bring to their work is being be launched at the New Zealand Psychological Society’s annual conference in Wellington tomorrow.
Patients privacy breached at Bay hospitals
One person has been fired and another faced disciplinary action after privacy breaches at Tauranga and Whakatane hospitals, new figures show
Older peoples’ unmet needs result in lower
quality of life
Older New Zealanders with unmet needs have a lower quality of life, according to new research from the University of Auckland.
Q&A: Is NZ lagging in cancer drug funding?
Researchers have called for an urgent overhaul of New Zealand's processes for funding cancer drugs to ensure breakthrough treatments get to those who need them as soon as possible.
Population pressures
cause DHB budget blowouts
Many district health boards still face multi-million dollar budget blowouts, new figures show.
Health Ministry draft figures for the year ended 30 June showed two-thirds of DHBs did worse than expected, all ending up in the red.
Mental health
A tsunami of mental health challenges on the horizon is helping to bring PHC nursing leaders across the Auckland isthmus together. FIONA CASSIE finds out more about the resulting collaborative project to upskill primary health nurses in mental health and addiction.
DHBs progress suicide prevention plans
Health Minister Jonathan Coleman says DHBs are making progress on their suicide prevention initiatives, but there is more work to be done.
Tomorrow is World Suicide Prevention Day - the international theme for 2016 is ‘Connect, Communicate, Care’.
Plain packaging and warning labels on soft drinks could reduce obesity - University of Auckland researchers
Plain packaging is on the way for tobacco products in New Zealand but should it be extended to soft drinks?
Kiwis receive 44m subsidised prescriptions
Health Minister Jonathan Coleman says new data shows Pharmac is delivering more subsidised medicines, benefiting millions of Kiwis.
Primary health care
Pacific Trust
Canterbury closure: Doctor says patients will suffer
A doctor who lost his job when a Canterbury healthcare trust went bust fears his patients will not afford mainstream medical care.
Extending primary care hours is linked to fewer emergency department visits
Keeping primary care practices open for more hours on nights and weekends was linked to a reduction in patient-initiated emergency department visits for minor problems, according to a new study.
Pilot offers after-hours doctor service online
Those living in the Waikato will now be able to access an after-hours doctor without leaving home.
And best of all, it's free and available to everyone in the Waikato.
Online tools help people improve their health but need more study
Health) - Mobile apps and web-based programs do help people reach health goals
like exercising more, losing weight and quitting smoking, but studies need to
follow-up longer to see how sustainable these interventions are, according to a
recent review of existing research.
Read more here
RCN releases new guidance for nurses treating motor neurone disease
The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has launched
an online resource to improve knowledge and provide support for nurses treating
people with motor neurone disease (MND).
Read more here
HEE opens consultation on nursing workforce strategy
Health Education England (HEE) is now consulting on the previously promised national workforce strategy for general practice nursing.
District nurse cuts 'put frail at risk', report suggests
The district nursing service in England is at "breaking point" as unmanageable workloads have left patients at risk, a report suggests.
Training Inadequate for ICU Staff
26.8 percent of health care professionals reported screening for delirium on
routine basis
AORN: Nurse bullying is extremely common, and patients may suffer, too
Nurse bullying is incredibly common, but such behavior may be hard to recognize--and the bullies themselves may not even realize they’re doing it.
The pervasiveness of nurse bullying: 7 key thoughts
Nurse bullying and incivility in the operating room is a real and seemingly ubiquitous problem, as evidenced by a recent discussion hosted by the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses and streamed live on Facebook.
When developing quality and safety policies, nurse input may be overlooked
Nursing assessments regarding the quality and safety of hospital care are a predictive indicator of hospital mortality rates, according to a new study published in Nursing Studies. The study's authors suggest these assessments could be used as an overall hospital quality indicator and subsequently inform policy decisions.
New Zealand has world's second highest rate of workplace bullying
Attitudes towards workplace bullying are what they were towards domestic violence 30 years ago, says Culture Safe New Zealand director Allan Halse.
Women's Refuge started talking about the need to be safe people called them
hairy-legged lesbians and said that was a matter between a couple. Now there's
an acceptance that it is a problem.
Read more here
Nursing Review talks to nurse manager MIKAELA SHANNON about a project to encourage and role model caring and kindness between nurses.
Finally, the proof why you really shouldn't come to work sick
There's nothing more selfish you can do than come to work sick.
You may get a gold star for showing your sniffling face at the office and soldiering through the workday to prove your value - but everyone around you just gets sick. You're an inconsiderate work hazard.
Articles of interest
Quantity and quality of interaction between staff and older patients in UK hospital wards: A descriptive study
International Journal of Nursing Studies
Volume 62, October 2016, Pages 100–107
The quality of staff-patient interactions underpins the overall quality of patient experience and can affect other important outcomes. However no studies have been identified that comprehensively explore both the quality and quantity of interactions in general hospital settings.
Aims & objectives
To quantify and characterise the quality of staff-patient interactions and to identify factors associated with negative interaction ratings.
Collaborative self-management support for primary care patients with anxiety, depressive or somatic symptoms - results of the SMADS study, a cluster-randomised, nurse-led intervention
Collaborative, nurse-led care is a well-established model of ambulatory care in many healthcare systems. Nurses play a key role in managing patients’ conditions as well as in enhancing symptom- and self-management skills.
The SMADS trial evaluated the effectiveness of a primary care-based, nurse-led, complex intervention to promote self-management in patients with anxiety, depressive or somatic symptoms. Change in self-efficacy 12 months post baseline was used as the primary outcome.
From the Ministry of Health
More Heart and Diabetes Checks Evaluation
Health targets are a set of national measures designed to improve the performance of health services. They focus on population health objectives and on reducing inequities.
The More heart and diabetes checks health target began in 2012 and includes a cardiovascular risk assessment (CVDRA) and a blood test for diabetes (HbA1c) delivered in primary care settings.
The goal was for 90 percent of people in specified age and ethnicity cohorts to have had their risk assessed in the past five years. A budget included national funding, and incentives and sanctions for district health boards (DHBs) and primary health organisations (PHOs) to achieve the target.
The evaluation used mixed methods for data collection and was framed around five evaluation questions.
How well was the health target implemented?
What difference did the health target make for health practices/service providers and for those whose risk was assessed?
What have been the economic implications of the health target and is it likely that the programme provides good value for money?
To what extent are any gains made through the health target likely to continue?
What should the Ministry of Health do to support CVD and diabetes risk assessment?
The evaluation findings for each of the questions is presented in this summary.
Emergency department use 2014/15
This report presents descriptive statistics about emergency department (ED) events and patients in New Zealand during 2014/15. This includes:
the distribution, demographic detail and frequency of use of people who were patients at ED at least once during the year
the location, timing, seasonality, urgency of condition at presentation, service provider, length of stay and outcome of reported ED events.
The report was compiled from data supplied by DHBs to the National Non-admitted Patient Collection. It is important to note that:
differences in the data presented may be an artefact of changes in hospital processes or classifications
results presented in this report may differ from other reports as different methods and criteria are used to analyse the data.
You can download the report and its accompanying data tables from the Downloads section of this page. The online tables present numbers and rates by DHB and service provider.
New Zealand Autism Spectrum Disorder Guideline
The NZ Autism Spectrum Disorder Guideline provides evidence-based information for people on the autism spectrum, their family and whanau, as well as health, disability and education professionals and social service agencies. It includes information about good practice that is evidence-based and aims to improve the health, educational and social outcomes for people with ASD.
As part of the implementation of the Guideline, the Ministries of Health and Education established a living guideline process to regularly update the Guideline to reflect new evidence and changing user needs.
Since the living guideline process was established in 2009, Supplementary Papers have been published annually. These provide updates in areas of applied behaviour analysis, pharmacological interventions, supported employment, changes in diagnostic criteria in the DSM-5, gastrointestinal issues, social skills groups, and cognitive behaviour therapy.
The second edition (2016) of the Guideline incorporates the updates developed through the living guideline process. This means that all amendments to the Guideline recommendations, identified in the Supplementary Papers, are incorporated into the second edition.
The first edition of the Guideline was published in 2008.
See the Autism Spectrum Disorder Guideline section for links to further information and resources.
Commissioning Framework for Mental Health and Addiction: A New Zealand guide
The Commissioning Framework is part of an outcome-focused approach. This framework, along with the Mental Health and Wellbeing Outcome Framework, provides national guidance to enable us to measure outcomes that make a real difference for people.
This Commissioning Framework describes a consistent approach to commissioning responses across New Zealand, using the relevant information to purchase the responses to best meet the needs of the local population. It describes the components that are critical to successfully commissioning and the process that will be used by those responsible for commissioning mental health and addiction care. This includes planners, funders, contract managers, boards, groups, agencies and/or those in designated commissioning roles.
It describes a consistent approach to commissioning responses across New Zealand, using the relevant information to purchase the responses to meet the needs of the local population.
The above information has been collated for the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS and is provided on a weekly basis. It is current as at Tuesday 13 September 2016
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