Welcome to the College of Nurses Aotearoa News Update.
No. 346, 3 May 2017
Registered nurse prescribing in community health
A new level of prescribing for registered nurses working in community health is being cautiously introduced in a trial with Counties Manukau Health and Family Planning starting in July.
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Kerri Nuku calls for Māori nurses at United Nations
In New York this morning, the New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) Kaiwhakahaere Kerri Nuku addressed the United Nations forum of the United Nations Declaration on the Right of Indigenous People (UNDRIP). Ms Nuku repeated her message that without a Māori nursing workforce strategy, the aim to attract and retain thousands more Māori nurses into nursing would never be realised.
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Scholarships trialled to get Maori nursing students to quit smoking
Offering a cash scholarship as incentive for Maori nursing students to stop smoking has been trialled by an Auckland institute and an anti-smoking organisation says incentives are proving to be an effective tool.
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Interest in enrolled nursing programmes is very mixed across the country with nursing schools reporting employment rates varying from poor to very good.
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Proposal devastates nurses
Nurses are "devastated" by the proposed restructuring at the Southern District Health Board.
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Decision on district nurses' move to health hub expected to take months
A final list of tenants for the new section of Blenheim's health hub could be months away as conflict over the relocation of district nurses continues.
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Advance care planning important for patients
When Claudia Matthews, the Advance Care Planning facilitator at Taranaki District Health Board, was invited to speak to the Positive Ageing Forum earlier this month, she says she was delighted to have the opportunity to do so.
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Australia healthcare organisation to emulate Hospice Taranaki's practice
An Australian healthcare organisation has named Hospice Taranaki an international leader in palliative care and awarded one nurse an opportunity to learn from its staff.
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National plan to address antibiotic-resistance threat - prescription advertising questioned
A national action plan to address the growing threat of antibiotic resistance has been announced with the suggestion restrictions on antibiotic advertising could be warranted.
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Asthma not to be underestimated
Asthma is not a condition to be dismissed lightly, causing the deaths of more than 60 people a year according to asthma foundation statistics.
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Urgent action needed to reduce impact of asthma on Māori and Pacific Island children - Expert
One of New Zealand's leading asthma experts says urgent action is needed to reduce the impact of asthma on Māori and Pacific Island communities.
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High rates of asthma baffle academics, amid cries for Kiwis to ditch 'cavalier' attitude
A "cavalier" attitude towards asthma is putting children at risk, says a health expert, on the back of data revealing one in seven Kiwi kids has the illness.
Through the central North Island, the disease has an even firmer hold, according to a recent report by researchers from Otago University in Wellington that has baffled academics.
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Govt throws another $18m at Christchurch hospital
Health Minister Jonathan Coleman has signed off on spending an extra $18 million for the Christchurch hospital acute services building, which is dealing with a nationwide issue of rising construction costs.
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District health boards spend millions on hiring overseas staff
District health boards are plugging a nation-wide medical skills shortfall by spending millions on hiring overseas workers to staff hospitals.
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Modelling health education
Transforming a makeshift cardboard model into a professional 3D-printed product could revolutionise the way diabetes is explained in the Southern District.
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Coma patients medical guinea pigs
Doctors can legally experiment on adult coma patients in New Zealand without their consent if it's in their "best interest".
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Review of patient rights could lead to breaches
Changes to New Zealand's medical ethics could lead to a repeat of one of its worst breaches of patient rights, a health advocate has warned.
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Study: Pacific youth more at risk of suicide than any other group
Pacific youth are three times more likely to attempt suicide than European youth, new research shows.
The University of Auckland study, published on Friday in the New Zealand Medical Journal, also found young people between the ages of 12 and 18 years had the highest rates of suicide across Pacific ethnic groups.
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Depression under-diagnosed in Maori, Pacific and Asian communities: study
Mental illnesses are often 'missed' in ethnic minority groups, despite them being more at risk than New Zealand Europeans, new research shows.
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Māori approach brings better outcomes than Seclusion and restraint methods
The "Thinking Outside the Box" report released today by the Human Rights Commission outlines a number of serious concerns around seclusion and restraint practices in New Zealand. But a mental health services expert says Māori approaches could offer cultural specific preventions to avoid using these methods.
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Structure is the key to solving child obesity crisis - expert
Structure is the key to solving many children's weight problems, according to dietitian Lea Stening.
We need to recognise that food is fuel, she says. If we eat the right amount of the right food at the right time, everything else falls into place.
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Social services call on Government to support crucial youth health survey
Social services fear they will have to "work in the dark" if Government does not support a national youth survey used to shape policy, practice and science.
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Hospitalisations linked to poverty must be reduced
Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) says that high rates of childhood bronchiectasis evidenced in the latest report from the Asthma and Respiratory Foundation, should provide the motivation for Government to prioritise spending with children’s health in mind this year.
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Adult poverty brought to light with public health hui
Living off porridge and two-minute noodles is the only option when you get $13 a week.
South Auckland woman Kathleen Paraha, 59, was plunged into poverty in 2005 when she had to stop work due to health issues and looking after her grandchild. She is one of 622,000 people living below the poverty line in New Zealand, a number estimated by the New Zealand Council of Christian Social Services.
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Government rejects call to ban smoking in cars
Health organisations and public health experts say there is no logic to the government's refusal to ban smoking in cars around children.
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Nurse-designed care models promote a culture of health
Care models designed by nurses show success in advancing a national focus on sustaining a culture of health and well-being, but they face funding challenges, according to a new study.
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Nurses sitting at the bedside linked to higher patient experience scores
Patients' perception of nurse communication factors into both Press Ganey and HCAHPS patient experience scores, and an initiative at one Texas hospital shows the simple act of sitting down with patients can improve those scores.
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Running Effective Meetings
Establishing an Objective and Sticking to It
There are good meetings and there are bad meetings. Bad meetings drone on forever, you never seem to get to the point, and you leave wondering why you were even present. Effective ones leave you energized and feeling that you've really accomplished something.
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Dialogue Mapping
Bringing Order to Chaotic Meetings
Many meetings take place to explore issues or solve problems, and many of these meetings are successful.
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Managing the 4Ps of Delegates
Turning Passengers, Protesters and Prisoners into Participants
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New Zealand Nurses’ Perceptions of Spirituality and Spiritual care: Qualitative Findings from a National Survey
Religions 2017, 8(5), 79
Richard Egan et al
This paper presents the qualitative findings from the first national survey of New Zealand nurses’ views on spirituality and spiritual care. The importance of spirituality as a core aspect of holistic nursing care is gaining momentum. Little is currently known about New Zealand nurses’ understandings, perceptions and experience of spirituality.
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Governing mobile technology use for continuing professional development in the Australian nursing profession
BMC Nursing 2017, 16:17 | Published on: 19 April 2017
Background: The rapid growth in the use of mobile technology in Australia has outpaced its governance, especially in healthcare settings. Whilst some Australian professional bodies and organisations have developed standards and guidelines to direct appropriate use of social media and mobile technology, clear governance arrangements regarding when, where and how to use mobile technology at point of care in nursing are currently lacking. potential reforms to enable implementation of mobile technology at point of care by nurses.
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Reasons why nurses decline influenza vaccination: a qualitative study
Anina Pless, Stuart R. McLennan†, Dunja Nicca, David M. Shaw and Bernice S. Elger
BMC NursingBMC series – open, inclusive and trusted201716:2
To explore reasons of non-vaccinated nursing staff for declining seasonal influenza vaccination. The annual influenza vaccination of healthcare workers reduces morbidity and mortality among vulnerable patients. Still, vaccination rates remain very low, particularly in nursing staff. While several studies have explored barriers for healthcare workers to get vaccinated, most have used a quantitative approach.
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Antimicrobial Resistance: New Zealand’s current situation and identified areas for action
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a serious and growing global threat to public health and animal health. AMR affects patients and communities and threatens to severely undermine the modern health system. The impact of AMR in animals (pets and production animals can have serious negative impacts on animal health, welfare and production.
New Zealand’s human health animal health and agriculture sectors are working collaboratively to develop a national action plan for New Zealand to address antimicrobial resistance. This first document outlines the evidence and the collective, expert views of stakeholders on how best to address antimicrobial resistance in New Zealand.
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The above information has been collated for the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS and is provided on a weekly basis. It is current as at Tuesday 2 May 2017
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