News from Alzheimers NZ

on 16 August


Kiwis share dementia experience for 'Every 3 Seconds' film

Today we are launching our clip from the global documentary 'Every 3 Seconds'. The short film discusses the risks, growth and future response to dementia here in NZ, and shows how we are working to support Kiwis to live well with dementia.

Every 3 Seconds Please click link to watch film

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September is World Alzheimers Month

It's almost here! Join us for World Alzheimers Month. With your help, we can make September's campaign bigger and better than ever. Here's 3 ways you can get involved...

Get involved

Register for the Alzheimers NZ Conference
1 week left to save with our earlybird discount

There's just one week left to take advantage of our early bird discount on registration for the Alzheimers NZ Conference. This deal is only valid until Thursday 23 August, so don't miss out! Registration is free of charge for people living with dementia and care partners. 

Register today


Thinking Dementia #8 available now

The latest edition of Thinking Dementia is now available. Catch up on a range of recent journal articles, media reports, NGO reports, university documents and international government reports related to dementia. This issue focuses on Respite Care and the best ways to deliver it. 

Download Thinking Dementia (PDF)

Alzheimers New Zealand
Phone: 04 387 8264
Postal Address: PO Box 11-288, Manners St Postshop, Wellington. 6142

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