Childhood Obesity (International)
Effect of a behavioral intervention for underserved preschool-age children on change in body mass index: A randomized clinical trial Prevention of obesity during childhood is critical for children in underserved populations, for whom obesity prevalence and risk of chronic disease are highest. Published in JAMA, the objective of this research was to test the effect of a multicomponent behavioral intervention on child body mass index growth trajectories over 36 months among preschool-age children at risk for obesity.
Impact of the Out-of-School Nutrition and Physical Activity (OSNAP) Group randomized controlled trial on children's food, beverage, and calorie consumption among snacks served Afterschool interventions have been found to improve the nutritional quality of snacks served. However, there is limited evidence on how these interventions affect children's snacking behaviors. The aim of this study, published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics, was to determine the impact of an afterschool intervention focused at the school district, site, family, and child levels on dietary consumption of foods and beverages served at snack.
Early infant feeding of formula or solid foods and risk of childhood overweight or obesity in a socioeconomically disadvantaged region of Australia: a longitudinal cohort analysis The timing of introduction of formula and solids may be associated with risk of childhood overweight or obesity, and this may vary by age at breastfeeding cessation during first year. Published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, the authors included 346 infants from southwestern Sydney using the longitudinal study for Australian children (LSAC). The outcome risk of overweight or obesity was measured at every two-year interval of children aged 0 or 1 year at baseline until they reached age 10 or 11. Age at introduction to formula or solids was dichotomized at four months.
Effect of a responsive parenting educational intervention on childhood weight outcomes at 3 years of age: The INSIGHT randomized clinical trial Rapid growth and elevated weight status in early childhood increase risk for later obesity, but interventions that improve growth trajectories are lacking. The aim of this research, published in JAMA, was to examine effects of a responsive parenting intervention designed to promote developmentally appropriate, prompt, and contingent responses to a child’s needs on weight outcomes at 3 years.