Primary Health Care (New Zealand)
Pharmacist integration into general practice in New Zealand Pharmacist integration into general practice is gaining momentum internationally, with benefits noted in reducing medication errors, improving chronic disease management and alleviating general practitioner workforce shortages. This study, published in the Journal of Primary Health Care, characterised the current landscape of pharmacist integration into general practice in New Zealand.
Establishing the nurse practitioner workforce in rural New Zealand: barriers and facilitators The health sector is facing considerable challenges to meet the health needs of rural communities. Nurse practitioners (NPs) deliver primary health care (PHC) services similar to general practitioner (GP) services, within a health equity and social justice paradigm. Despite GP workforce deficits, New Zealand has been slow to effectively utilise NPs. From a larger study exploring the establishment of NP services, this paper, published in the Journal of Primary Health Care, reports on the barriers and facilitators to becoming a NP in rural PHC.
Facilitating equitable prevention and management of gout for Māori in Northland, New Zealand, through a collaborative primary care approach The Gout Stop Programme was developed for primary care in Northland, New Zealand, to address inequitable health outcomes for Māori and Pacific people with gout. The aim of the programme was to make it easier for clinicians to prescribe urate-lowering treatment, facilitate patient adherence through education and support, and reduce barriers to gout prevention and long-term management.This study, published in the Journal of Primary Health Care, is an open evaluation based on the collection of data from patients enrolled in the programme and prescribed the treatment protocol.