Tēnā koe,
Abortion legislation update
The Abortion Legislation Bill had its Third Reading yesterday and was voted through. It will now be prepared for Royal assent (Governor-General signing). The Act comes into force the day after Royal assent. This usually happens within one week.
This legislative amendment updates the primary legislation for abortion, set out in the Contraception, Sterilisation, and Abortion Act 1977 and the Crimes Act 1961. The legislation is available on the New Zealand Parliament website.
Information about key changes
The Ministry will use its website to inform stakeholders about key changes that will result from the legislation. Once the Act comes into force the following web pages will be available:
· Information for health practitioners https://health.govt.nz/our-work/regulation-health-and-disability-system/abortion-legislation-information-health-practitioners
· Information for the public https://health.govt.nz/abortion
Abortion notifications
Abortion service providers are required to provide a notification of each abortion performed.
For abortions performed prior to the enactment date, please continue to complete and submit the Abortion Supervisory Committee paper-based form in the usual manner.
For abortions performed on or after the enactment date, notifications should be provided to the Ministry of Health , and a new form is required. Please email alr@health.govt.nz if you are an abortion service provider and require access to the new notification forms.
If you have any queries you can contact the Abortion Law Reform Team at alr@health.govt.nz or call the Ministry of Health’s Abortion Information line on 0800 499 500.
We’d appreciate if you pass this message on to all you think may benefit from it. If you receive this message indirectly but would like to receive updates regularly, please email alr@health.govt.nz
We appreciate your commitment to ensure the intent of the legislation is implemented as soon as practical.
Ngā mihi
The Abortion Law Reform Team
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