Kia ora whānau
I know you’ll agree that this has been a tough week for our Muslim community, the people of Christchurch and for all New Zealanders.
The sentencing for the 15 March terror attacks in Christchurch will have bought back a lot of memories and feelings for many. Our deepest sympathy and aroha go to the survivors and their friends, families, whānau and community.
We know many people may be experiencing a range of emotions and of course, this is completely natural. I wanted to acknowledge the extraordinary response from people across the health system in the immediate response in March last year, but also in the ongoing support for their community.
There is likely to be some distress experienced by some in the community as media coverage of the sentencing may reawaken memories of that terrible day. Please be mindful of how the coverage of the sentencing might impact on people, especially children, and consider limiting media consumption if things begin to feel overwhelming.
There are things we can all do to help care for each other. Simple things like getting in touch for a chat with a friend or reaching out with aroha and kindness can really help. Kia kaha, Christchurch.
Ngā mihi nui