Primary Mental Health (International)
The Role of Technology and the Continuum of Care for Youth Suicidality: Systematic Review Youth suicide is a global public health issue, and using technology is one strategy to increase participation in preventive interventions. However, there is minimal knowledge on how technology-enhanced interventions for youth correspond to the stages of care, from illness or risk recognition to treatment follow-up. This systematic review, published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research aims to examine the efficacy of technology-enhanced youth suicide prevention and interventions across the continuum of care.
A Systematic Review of the Use of Telepsychiatry in Depression Telepsychiatry, the use of televideo in psychiatric assessment and treatment, is utilized throughout Canada. Major depressive disorder (MDD) is common, with significant burdens of suffering and cost. This systematic review, published in the Community Mental Health Journal, explores the literature on the use of televideo to diagnose and treat MDD, particularly acceptability and patient satisfaction, efficacy, and cost-effectiveness.
Effect of community mental health care programs in Australia: a systematic review Although numerous studies have examined the effects of community-based mental health care programs in Australia, no synthesis of this literature exists. This systematic review of peer-reviewed and grey literature, published in the Australian Journal of Primary Health, described the types of community-based mental health care programs delivered and evaluated in Australia in the past 20 years, and evaluated their impact in improving outcomes for those with a serious mental illness (SMI).
Models of Mental Health Consultation and Collaboration in Primary Care Pediatrics Pediatricians are increasingly asked to address the mental health care needs of their patients, despite lack of formal mental health training. Pediatricians who wish to expand their scope of practice to include mental health care may benefit from didactic training as well as ongoing consultative or collaborative relationships with mental health specialists. Consultative and collaborative relationships between mental health and primary care have evolved in various models across the country. This study, published in Pediatric Annals, outlines models of mental health consultation and collaboration, addresses some considerations for pediatricians prior to adopting a model, and lists key collaborative care resources.