Welcome to the College of Nurses Aotearoa News Update.
No. 528, Wednesday 27 January 2021
Weekly news round-up of nursing and health information in New Zealand and internationally
Finding enough staff to administer the Covid-19 jab could be a challenge in NZ
The Ministry of Health wants an extra 3000 vaccinators, but the NZ Nurses Organisation says that will be a challenge. Former nurse Tricia Russell is one ...
New 'breathable' uniforms to help Hawke's Bay Hospital nurses through hot week
Hawke's Bay Hospital air conditioning 10 years away; DHB providing fans, window tinting - NZ He... "The DHB acknowledges the wards get very hot in ...
Covid 19: Nurse convinces 20 foreign mariners in MIQ to quit smoking
Twenty Russian and Ukrainian mariners managed to quit smoking during their stay in a Christchurch managed isolation facility (MIQ) thanks to a Canterbury nurse.
American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Launches National Campaign to Elevate Academic Nursing’s Role in COVID-19 Vaccine Administration
AACN launched a national campaign, “to accelerate the engagement of nursing schools in efforts to vaccinate the public against COVID-19.” Specifically, the campaign asks nursing schools to pledge their support to safely engage faculty, students and other stakeholders in the work to administer COVID-19 vaccines and educate citizens on protecting themselves against the virus.
Concerns vaccine rollout won't prioritise aged care sector
Oceania Healthcare General Manager of Nursing and Clinical Strategy Dr Frances Hughes joins Mike Hosking to discuss the issue. LISTEN ABOVE.
Ethnic differences in use and experience of child healthcare services - research
A report released today, "Ethnic Differences in the use and experience of child healthcare services in NZ", reveals that interactions with family members and with health professionals are crucial in determining immunisation uptake, engagement rates and satisfaction levels with New Zealand’s health system. Read more
Ethnic differences in the use and experience of child healthcare services in NZ: An empirical examination
Funders: Ministry of Social Development and the Health Research Council
This research uses Growing Up in New Zealand (GUiNZ) data to provide insights regarding life-course differences in the use and experience of child healthcare services in NZ and focuses on decisions to immunise, seek dental care, and visit the doctor. The report analysed responses from around 6,000 parents at four time points: antenatally; when the children were nine-months; then two-years; and then four-years-old. Read more
Children miss out on vital health and development check because of lockdown
Thousands of New Zealand children are starting their schooling without a vital health check.
Only 73.1 per cent of eligible four-year-olds had their B4 School Check (B4SC) in the year ended June because checks couldn’t go ahead during the Covid-19 lockdown. In the previous year, 91 per cent of eligible children were checked while the figure was 94 per cent in 2017. Read more
New Zealand needs to start taking extreme heat seriously
OPINION: As the mercury climbed to dangerously high levels on Tuesday, the collective response to forecast temperatures in the mid-30s was one of joy: a great day to get out and enjoy the sunshine.
Covid-19 vaccines and equity: Some Kiwis may get more effective jabs than others
Questions have been raised about whether New Zealanders will have equitable access to Covid-19 vaccines, as different people are likely to receive different jabs, some of which could be less effective than others.
Covid-19: Māori to be prioritised for vaccination
This story was originally published on RNZ.co.nz and is republished with permission.
The National Māori Pandemic group has said the protection of Māori will be at the centre of planning for the Covid-19 vaccine rollout.
The race to immunise a nation: Preparing to vaccinate NZ against Covid-19
The next big Covid-19 challenge is looming - the race to immunise the entire country.
Not much time for DHBs to get ready to administer Covid vaccines, vendor warns
A large United States software company says time is short for New Zealand district health boards to put in place the systems that will be needed to manage the roll-out of Covid vaccines.
But the Ministry of Health says it has work in hand, and an “interim solution”.
Health staff train up to administer Pfizer vaccine
Doctors and nurses are racing to learn how to administer Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine as a major step towards the rollout is signalled.
Covid-19: How the government can convince doubters to get a vaccine
The government is being told it has some work on its hands to reach the one in four people who say they don't intend to get a Covid-19 vaccine.
Covid-19: Can employers make vaccination mandatory?
OPINION: The first shipment of the Pfizer vaccine is due to reach New Zealand by April and will be available to border staff and essential health workers in the first instance.
Combating vaccine hesitancy among staff: 4 healthcare leaders weigh in
Four leaders told Becker's Hospital Review what their hospitals or health systems are doing to address COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among their staff — an issue that's affected 29 percent of healthcare workers, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation survey.
Government grants vaccine suppliers indemnity against claims
The government has granted the Covid-19 vaccine suppliers Pfizer and BioNTech indemnity from any claims that may arise from use of the vaccine.
How Covid-19 can be transmitted through ventilation systems
EXPLAINER: Covid-19 spreads via contaminated surfaces or through airborne transmission, but how can the virus move through a hotel’s ventilation system?
Covid-19: How likely you are to die from the virus, according to the latest research
EXPLAINER: The pandemic rages on and over 2 million people have now succumbed to Covid-19. Since last year, scientists have scrambled to determine just how deadly the virus is. But it's a hard question to answer. Read more
What we know about the South African variant of Covid-19
New Zealand's first new community case of Covid-19 since November has been confirmed as the highly-transmissable South African variant.
Outcomes for patients with COVID‐19: known knowns, known unknowns, and unknown unknowns
Mervyn Singer
Med J Aust 2021; 214 (1): 20-21. || doi: 10.5694/mja2.50890
Adequate capacity — beds, equipment, consumables, and, crucially, trained personnel — is needed to cope with a surge of critically ill patients
Outcomes for patients with COVID‐19 admitted to Australian intensive care units during the first four months of the pandemic
Aidan JC Burrell … et al
Med J Aust 2021; 214 (1): 23-30. || doi: 10.5694/mja2.50883
Objectives: To describe the characteristics and outcomes of patients with COVID‐19 admitted to intensive care units (ICUs) during the initial months of the pandemic in Australia.
Guidance on management of type 2 diabetes - NZSSD
Today, the New Zealand Society for the Study of Diabetes (NZSSD) launched up-to- date guidance on the management of type 2 diabetes for primary care practitioners. The NZSSD took the initiative to update the guidance with the support of the Ministry of Health.
New Zealand's psychological crisis putting lives at risk
New Zealand is in a psychological crisis.
More people than ever are seeking help but a shortage of psychologists is making it harder for them to get it. And in some cases that can be fatal.
College of GPs introduces new options for training more Rural Hospital Doctors
The Division of Rural Hospital Medicine, part of The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners, has introduced a new scheme that will help doctors train faster to become Rural Hospital Doctors if they’ve already specialised in emergency medicine, primary care, or internal medicine.
Vaping regulations consultation opens today - Ministry of Health
The Ministry of Health is encouraging New Zealanders to have their say and provide feedback on draft regulations under the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Act through an online consultation that opens today. Read more
Interim Evaluation Report 2020: Healthy Families NZ
In 2015 the Ministry of Health contracted Massey University to undertake the evaluation of Healthy Families NZ. A previously published Summative Evaluation Report updated the findings of the national evaluation of Healthy Families NZ following the first three years of implementation of the initiative (from late 2014 to end of 2017).
This Interim Evaluation Report, prepared by Victoria University of Wellington, outlines the methods and tools that will be used for the second phase of implementation (2019-2022).
The article below is not freely available but may be accessed through databases and libraries to which readers have access
The hollow: A theory on workplace bullying in nursing practice.
Green, C.
Nursing Forum. 2020; 1– 6. https://doi.org/10.1111/nuf.12539
Incivility and bullying within the profession of nursing remains a problem within the workplace. As a result, healthcare workplaces can become unhealthy and difficult for nurses to function within. Work productivity is impacted and patients' healthcare is placed at risk when nurses are emotionally and physically affected by workplace incivility and bullying. Clinical nurse leaders (CNLs) applying theoretical reasoning and nursing competencies' in addressing bullying and incivility within the workplace, can provide an organized and effective organizational approach to addressing bullying and incivility in work environments.
The International Council of Nurses is excited to announce the launch of our new 2021 Congress website, on 15 January 2021. As the number one nursing event in the world, ICN, in partnership with the Emirates Nursing Association, looks forward to sharing this experience with you. In these extraordinary times, the ICN 2021 Congress will be held virtually from 2-4 November 2021 and we can’t wait to see you there!
Our virtual platform will offer a unique, state-of-the-art experience for all participants! Using the theme ‘Nursing Around the World’, we will pass the nursing baton across the different regions of the world in a series of live and interactive events which will give our members the opportunity to showcase their expertise and innovations. From 15 January, you can submit an abstract, register for the event, and check out our latest Congress news. We also look forward to working together with partners who will benefit from this excellent opportunity to showcase their services and interact with our delegates.
The ICN Congress will bring together 2020, the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife, and 2021, the International Year of Health and Care Workers to celebrate the work of nurses internationally, highlight the challenging conditions they often face, and advocate for increased investments in the nursing and midwifery workforce.
Sign up now to join us at this fantastic event!
The above information has been collated for the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS and is provided on a weekly basis. It is current as of 26 January 2021
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