Welcome to the College of Nurses Aotearoa News Update.
No. 543, Wednesday 12 May 2021
Weekly news round-up of nursing and health information in New Zealand and internationally
Nursing, Midwifery celebration focuses on self-care - Otago Polytechnic
It’s an oft-repeated line that "team" or "teamwork" contains no "i". Yet an Otago Polytechnic School of Nursing academic wants those in the profession to start focusing on themselves a bit more. The notion of "i" - or more specifically "I" - is firmly on the agenda as part of a dual celebration of nurses and midwives at Otago Polytechnic’s Hub on Wednesday, 12 May. Read more
Nursing shortage leads to temporary stop on joint surgeries in Gisborne
Hip and joint replacement surgeries in Gisborne stopped for two weeks in March after "safety concerns" were raised about staffing.
Fears Kiwi nurses and doctors will leave NZ due to salary freeze
Unions are worried that doctors and nurses will move to Australia following the government's freeze on public sector salaries.
Neil Warrington: Why nurses are bewildered by the DHB pay offer
OPINION: I am an Auckland-based registered nurse working with older adults. I've been in the same role in the same ward for the past 20 years. I know and love my patients and I like to think that's mutual.
Government to build new 'opt-out' breast cancer screening system to reach missing 271,000 people
The Government will overhaul the breast cancer screening system in hope of reaching 271,000 people who are eligible for free mammograms but aren't getting the scans. Read more
Long-awaited cervical screening test to be funded by govt
A long-awaited cervical screening test that women can do themselves and will reduce the need for smear test will be funded by the government.
Cancer screening programmes should be managed by Māori to reach Māori - Health leader
Long-awaited funding for cervical screening tests is a fantastic start - but more is needed to improve early detection of the disease among Māori, a health leader says.
Self-swab test for cervical cancer not a one-stop fix, health workers say
Health workers at the frontline of fighting high rates of cervical cancer among Māori women say a new, easier, test is promising but it isn't a one-stop fix. Read more
Dr Ashley Bloomfield on New Zealand's Covid vaccine rollout
A trial mass Covid-19 vaccination event is being planned for next month, Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield says.
Covid-19 vaccine should be mandatory for health workers, expert says
A quarter of the country’s healthcare workers are yet to receive their first Covid-19 jab, and public health expert Michael Baker says the vaccine should be mandatory for frontline staff.
Deaths of two people after receiving Covid-19 vaccine reported to CARM
The deaths of two people after receiving the Covid-19 vaccine have been reported to the Centre for Adverse Reactions Monitoring (CARM).
Covid-19: Most patients still have symptoms six months later
Two out of three Australian patients who become seriously ill with Covid-19 are left with ongoing health problems six months later, say experts tracking patients' recoveries.
Auckland hospitals overloaded: Patients waiting in corridors as demand skyrockets
Sick and injured patients are being left in hospital corridors and ambulances are queuing outside Auckland emergency departments as demand continues to skyrocket.
Corridor nursing reaches 'crisis point' in the emergency department
Nurses are worried about making mistakes while caring for patients in overcrowded emergency department corridors in the face of unprecedented demand around the country.
Southland Hospital beds being closed to keep staff safe
Southern District Health Board CEO Chris Fleming says the data is counter-intuitive: nurse numbers are up, hospital occupancy is down, but staff say ...
New hospital facilities mean fewer trips to Auckland for Northlanders - Little
Northlanders will no longer automatically have to go to Auckland for lifesaving heart procedures like angiograms, angioplasty and the insertion of pacemakers, thanks to new operating theatres and a cardiac catheter laboratory opened at WhangÄrei Hospital by Health Minister Andrew Little today.
Southern District Health Board to fix its letters system
The Southern District Health Board wants to standardise its communication with patients after finding that it's the source of 28 per cent of the complaints it receives.
Enhancing end of life care for Māori
How can end of life and bereavement care for Māori be improved?
Wellington's Mary Potter Hospice has just held a symposium - Whetū i te Rangi - on the subject, the first of its kind. Vanessa Eldridge, who is of Ngāti Kahungūnu and Rongomaiwahine descent, is the Hospice's Manager for Health Equity. Read more
Māori Health Authority: Sir Mason Durie to head new Government advisory group
Tā (Sir) Mason Durie has been appointed to a key role in shaping the new Māori Health Authority.
The announcement comes after a week of heated debate in Parliament about the authority, which National leader Judith Collins and deputy Dr Shane Reti have labelled "separatism".
Health system overhaul 'won't make a difference in Auckland'
OPINION: Will the proposed health changes make a difference in Auckland? The short answer is – no; unless, the proposed commissioning (contracting and funding) powers get to be located at the level of the region rather than the centre.
Pacific health leaders expect benefits from health overhaul
Pacific health leaders expect a radical overhaul of New Zealand's health system to bring benefits for people of Pacific heritage. Read more
Ngāruawāhia locals want the kind of healthcare first envisioned by Princess Te Puea Hērangi 100 years ago
Te Puea Hērangi broke ground for a Māori hospital 100 years ago that was thwarted by authorities. Today her vision may come to fruition under the Māori health authority. National Correspondent Florence Kerr reports.
Ministry of Health apologises for misleading minister and public on edited mental health report
Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield has written to Health Minister Andrew Little apologising for giving him incorrect information concerning an edited-down mental health report.
Indigenous social exclusion to inclusion: Case studies on Indigenous nursing leadership in four high income countries.
Brockie, T., Clark, T.C., Best, O., Power, T., Bourque Bearskin, L., Kurtz, D.L., Lowe, J. and Wilson, D. (2021),
J Clin Nurs. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.15801
This discursive paper provides a call to action from an international collective of Indigenous nurse academics from Australia, Canada, Aotearoa New Zealand and the USA, for nurses to be allies in supporting policies and resources necessary to equitably promote Indigenous health outcomes. Read more
The article below is not freely available but may be accessed through databases and libraries to which readers have access
Implementation Science and Nursing Leadership: Improving the Adoption and Sustainability of Evidence-Based Practice,
Nelson-Brantley, Heather V. PhD, RN, NEA-BC, CCRN-K; Chipps, Esther PhD, RN, NEA-BC
JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration: May 2021 - Volume 51 - Issue 5 - p 237-239 doi: 10.1097/NNA.0000000000001006
Increasingly, nurse executives are embracing evidence-based practice (EBP). Yet, it takes 17 years to move only 14% of research evidence into practice. Implementation science (IS) aims to reduce this gap through the study of factors that influence dissemination, adoption, implementation, and sustainability of evidence-based interventions. Nurse leaders aiming for EBP must be well equipped to support IS. This article introduces IS, leadership competencies essential for supporting implementation research and practice, and preparing an IS-ready workforce.
The above information has been collated for the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS and is provided on a weekly basis. It is current as of 11 May 2021
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