Clinical Effectiveness of Different Technologies for Diabetes in Pregnancy: Systematic Literature Review
Hyperglycemia in pregnancy occurs worldwide and is closely associated with health issues in women and their offspring, such as pregnancy and birth complications, respectively, as well as comorbidities, such as metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. To optimize the management of diabetic pregnancies, sustainable strategies are urgently needed. Investigation of constantly evolving technologies for diabetes that help to manage pregnancy and health is required. This systematic review, published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research, aimed to assess the clinical effectiveness of technologies for diabetes in pregnancy.
Adopting and implementing an innovative model to organize diabetes care within First Nations communities: A qualitative assessment
Diabetes care remains suboptimal in First Nations populations. Innovative and culturally relevant approaches are needed to promote systematic and proactive organization of diabetes care for people living with diabetes on-reserve in Canada. The RADAR model is one strategy to improve care: an integrated disease registry paired with an electronic health record for local community healthcare providers with remote care coordination. This study, published in BMC Health Services Research, qualitatively assessed adoption and implementation of RADAR in First Nations communities in Alberta to inform its potential spread in the province.