Six Principles for Safe Visiting and Social Activities in Aged Residential Care
This publication supports rest home providers in the development of policies and procedures that enable safe visiting, social activities and outings in the context of viruses, such as SARS-CoV-2 which causes COVID-19. These Principles are underpinned by the recognition that ARC facilities are residents’ homes. ARC facilities are expected to align their local policies and procedures with these Principles.
HISO 10046:2022 Consumer Health Identity Standard
This document presents a standard data set specification for the collection and representation of personal identity, demographic and digital account information for patients and consumers of health and disability services. This standard pertains to the data content of the National Health Index (NHI) and My Health Account systems operated by the Ministry of Health, and to all patient management systems, clinical information systems and consumer health platforms used in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Hui Whakaoranga 2021 – Summary Report
Hui Whakaoranga is a series of hui focused on taking a generational approach to Māori health development and is a key part of the ongoing commitment to Whakamaua: Māori Health Action Plan 2020-2025. This publication provides a high-level summary of the themes, engagement, and kōrero from Hui Whakaoranga 2021. It seeks to accurately reflect the voices of participants in order to capture the key learnings of Hui Whakaoranga 2021 and to provide a record of these engagements.