Kia Ora
Welcome to the latest edition of our newsletter.
We can confirm the Therapeutic Products Bill was introduced to Parliament today. You can read the Minister of Health’s media release here.
This is a significant milestone which we’ve been working towards for a long time. Thanks to everyone who has helped along the way. We know that the Bill is in better shape for taking on board sector comments.
We have some key updates to share with you, including the following:
- the new regulator
- cost recovery model
- offences and penalties framework
- natural health products (NHPs)
- rongoā Māori interests
- pharmacy ownership rules
- direct to consumer advertising of prescription medication (DTCA-PM).
The new regulator will be a branded business unit within Manatū Hauora, led by an independent statutory officer. The regulator will cover a broader scope of products and activities, and it will design and implement proportionate risk-based market authorisation pathways to support access to safe and effective therapeutic products.
The regulator will have a modern and flexible suite of enforcement tools, including civil pecuniary penalties.
It will be funded through fees, charges, and levies. It’s expected that some Crown funding will also help meet costs associated with the new regulatory regime.
In terms of pharmacy ownership rules, given the changes underway with the health and disability system reforms and the ongoing COVID-19 response, the current rules restricting pharmacy ownership are being maintained.
Following a review of available evidence, the Government has also decided to continue to permit DTCA-PM, subject to current controls. The relevant Cabinet Papers on the above issues are now available on our website.
We acknowledge that many of you will have a view on these decisions. There will be an opportunity to have your say at Select Committee stage.
Today, the Government also announced a new workstream to consider how rongoā Māori can be appropriately scheduled in legislation so rongoā Māori is protected, patient safety is assured, and export market access is protected. You can read the media release here.
Please forward our newsletter to any of your colleagues who would be interested and look out for our next update. If you want to get in touch with the team, you can email us at:
Ngā mihi
Therapeutics Policy Team