Welcome to the College of Nurses – News Update.
No. 106 – 6 Jun 2012
From NZ media this week
Nurses forced to supply own thermometers
Nurses and union representatives say they are frustrated at drastic board efforts to slash up to $9 million from the budget before the end of the financial year. A New Zealand Nurses Organisation survey sent to all wards at Auckland City Hospital and ...
Nursing Shortages at Auckland DHB
A New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) survey of members working at Auckland DHB has shown shortages of over 120 registered nurse positions, 48 alone at Starship Children’s Hospital
Foreign students fall foul of nursing law
International students at Waiariki Institute of Technology may be unable to gain their nursing registrations after the Nursing Council tightened its criteria.
Watchdog warns on dangerous doctors
Incompetent doctors are putting patients in danger with only a slight chance of being found out, says a former medical watchdog.
Time for a check-up
Patients are suffering and even dying because our system of monitoring doctors is too slack and too cosy, says a former medical watchdog.Martin Johnston reports
Nursing students going to Tanzania
They will be the first Otago nursing students to travel to Africa for their elective, with most of their class spending time in Dunedin or other hospitals around New Zealand. "We will be learning so many amazing things over there.
Emergency psych house calls may soon be offered to those having a ''mental health crisis'' in a bid to reduce numbers at the city's overcrowded ED.
International media
New course set up to create 'elite' nurses who start out as sistersA post-graduate course to fast-track “elite” nurses into ward management roles has been created by a partnership of trusts and universities in London.
With the power of a smile and kind words, compassionate nurses can turn a life around
Too often we underestimate the small acts of caring that have the potential to turn a life around, Tonga's former Minister of Health, Lord Tangi, told an International Conference for Tongan Nurses that opened yesterday in Nuku'alofa.
Nurses Know: EHRs Improve Patient Safety
Earlier this month, the federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) publicized the results of a study that AHRQ had funded. This new study adds yet one more element of documentation to something we already knew: electronic health records (EHRs) improve nursing care quality, patient safety, and effectiveness.
Articles of interest
Peer Support for Mental Health
It's a system that is blindingly obvious, and New Zealand leads the way, says Sally Blundell.
The safety of nurses during the restraining of aggressive patients in an acute psychiatric unit
The aim of the study was to describe patterns of injuries sustained by nurses during the restraining of aggressive patients and to identify factors in the restraining process that can be modified to improve the safety of nurses during restraining.
Online publications and reports
eHealth: Special Issue of Policy & Internet
Source: Policy Studies Commons
The explosive growth of the Internet and its omnipresence in people's daily lives has facilitated a shift in information seeking on health, with the Internet now a key information source for the general public, patients, and health professionals. The Internet has also driven an increase in eHealth initiatives, ranging from Internet-delivered interventions and therapy focusing on specific behaviors or ... <snip>
De-Escalation and Restraint Training for Clinicians: A literature review
Author: Te Pou
Publication date: 21 May 2012
Various forms of restraint and de-escalation training for staff in acute mental health settings are provided by DHBs. However, with government directives for DHBs to reduce the use of seclusion and restraint, expectations of training are shifting.Recovery oriented, trauma informed and values based practice is influencing how de-escalation and restraint training is viewed and delivered. There is also increased pressure to ensure training is consistent, of good quality, and based on robust evidence and evaluation.In response to these concerns, Te Pou reviewed the provision and evaluation of de-escalation and restraint training in the UK, US, Australia and New Zealand. The findings of this literature review discuss training content and evaluation, national consistency and quality, and collaborating with service users to improve both their outcomes and those for staff.
The above information has been collated for the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS and is provided on a weekly basis. It is current as at Tuesday 5 Jun 2012 If you have any feedback about content - what parts are most useful or what you would like added - please email admin@nurse.org.nz
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