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News bulletin 1 August 2012
on 1 August Welcome to the College of Nurses – News Update.
No. 114, Wednesday 1 August 2012
From NZ media this week
Solutions Offered For Some Nursing Students
Indian nurses starve themselves for jobs
Rotorua students hunger striking
Hunger-striking students reach impasse
Mercy mission for Kiwi nurses
Tongan nurses in NZ and Australia support breast cancer awareness program
Waikato DHB slated over staffing
Medical rules force DHB to rely on costly locums
Desperately needed overseas medical staff are opting for lucrative short-term contracts instead of filling permanent roles because of strict regulatory requirements, say senior Waikato health executives.
Prisons fork out millions for inmates' healthcare
Convicted criminals racked up $26.5 million in taxpayer-funded healthcare while in jail last year.
'Spiv' spat sets union boss at odds with Ryall
State of mind
'One-third' of Maori children in poverty
Babies make up half of abuse cases
Babies yet to see their first birthdays have accounted for half of all hospital-recorded suspected abuse cases involving young children.
Physicians call for better health outcomes for Māori children
Major initiative to beat childhood killerThis Friday sees the launch of the largest initiative to combat the serious childhood illness of rheumatic fever. The initiative is supported by the Ministry of Health and Counties Manukau DHB and is led by the National Hauora Coalition.
Sore-throat checks in schools get under way
Health graduates win MP's glowing praise
Participants in a Whaiora community health pilot programme travelled to Parliament yesterday to present its successful results
Maori health initiative shows early success
Nursing skills keep new hospice boss patient-focused
Craig Tamblyn also brings a business degree to the job, Elton Smallman reports. It is the first month on the job for the new CEO of Hospice Waikato and he is settling in nicely to his new role in a new city.
TDH launches new nurse-led flight service
New Zealand Formulary launch
Suspected stroke 'went unnoticed'
International media
Marshall receives grant to deal with nurse shortage
July 18, 2012 · Marshall University is using a federal grant to address a growing nursing school professor shortage. Marshall is using the money to attract teachers to replace those who are expected to retire in the near future.
University Launches Study Into Use Of Meditation To Reduce Stress Levels Of Trainee Nurses
University of Stirling researchers have secured funding to investigate the effectiveness of training student nurses in mindfulness to reduce stress levels
Penn study examines link between nurse burnout, care
Nurses, PAs use health IT more than physicians
Ancillary providers, such as nurses and physician assistants, not only use EHRs and other digital technology significantly in their work, but they do so more than physicians, according to a new study by Manhattan Research.
Alcohol specialist nurses 'pay for themselves many times over' (UK – registration, free, required)Calls for the expansion of alcohol specialist nurse services are growing in the wake of an influential report from MPs.
Standardised bed chart 'could prevent hundreds of hospital deaths' (UK)
Royal College of Physicians says there are more than 100 types of chart monitoring patients' vital signs, leading to confusion
Nurses 'crucial' to plan to save 6,000 lives with new bed chart (UK – registration, free, required)
A national system for recording vital signs and identifying deteriorating patients could save up to 6,000 lives a year, leading clinicians have claimed.
Principles for Patient Engagement Released
July 23, 2012 - “Patient engagement” has become one of the buzz phrases associated with creating a more sustainable health care system, and aiming to guide nurses and other clinicians, the Nursing Alliance for Quality Care (NAQC) has released a list of guiding principles for delivering high-quality, patient-centered care.
Offenders need integrated, on-going, mental health care, according to a new study examining healthcare received by offenders across the criminal justice system
Offenders with mental health problems need improved and on-going access to health care, according to the first study to systematically examine healthcare received by offenders across the criminal justice system. A new report from Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry, Plymouth University and the Centre for Mental Health suggests that prison and community sentences offer the best opportunities to provide this. If improvements to mental health are to contribute to breaking the cycle of repeat offending, unemployment and ill-health, advantage should be taken of the new commissioning opportunities to develop innovative healthcare solutions.
Read more here: http://bit.ly/Lx0Ik1
Public health
Flu epidemic fears talked down
The head of the country's national influenza centre is downplaying concerns the country could be hit by a swine flu-like epidemic this winter.http://bit.ly/SWZ236
Flu strain sweeping NZ packs a big punch
Get the flu jab, pleads widower
Doctors swamped by flu jab requests
Wellington doctors have been flooded by requests for the flu vaccination following the death of a fit and healthy mother-of-two from influenza.http://bit.ly/NR6iLX
From the Ministry of Health
Proposal to introduce plain packaging of tobacco products in New Zealand
Also part of this consultation process is the Regulatory Impact Statement which was prepared to inform the Government’s decision to undertake this consultation.The consultation document sets out the Government's plain packaging proposal, gathers the views of interested individuals, businesses and organisations, informs New Zealand's trade partners and invites their comment, and seeks additional information relevant to the proposal.The consultation document is in seven parts.
Cancer: Historical summary 1948–2009
Cancer: New registrations and deaths 2009
New publications
A Flourishing Ōtautahi – Rebuilding Christchurch for Mental Health and Wellbeing
A new, forward-thinking publication from the Mental Health Foundation that looks at the opportunities ahead for communities in the greater Christchurch region following the earthquakes of 2010/11.With its focus on on positive mental health and wellbeing, it provides a unique lens through which we may view the future path we take in rebuilding the region.
The Mental Health and Substance Use Workforce for Older Adults: In Whose Hands?
At least 5.6 million to 8 million--nearly one in five--older adults in America have one or more mental health and substance use conditions, which present unique challenges for their care. With the number of adults age 65 and older projected to soar from 40.3 million in 2010 to 72.1 million by 2030, the aging of America holds profound consequences for the nation.For decades, policymakers have been warned that the nation's health care workforce is ill-equipped to care for a rapidly growing and increasingly diverse population. In the specific disciplines of mental health and substance use, there have been similar warnings about serious workforce shortages, insufficient workforce diversity, and lack of basic competence and core knowledge in key areas.Following its 2008 report highlighting the urgency of expanding and strengthening the geriatric health care workforce, the IOM was asked by the Department of Health and Human Services to undertake a complementary study on the geriatric mental health and substance use workforce. The Mental Health and Substance Use Workforce for Older Adults: In Whose Hands? assesses the needs of this population and the workforce that serves it. The breadth and magnitude of inadequate workforce training and personnel shortages have grown to such proportions, says the committee, that no single approach, nor a few isolated changes in disparate federal agencies or programs, can adequately address the issue. Overcoming these challenges will require focused and coordinated action by all.
Conferences and seminars
2013 ICN Congress
Equity and access to health care
Melbourne, Australia18-23 May 2013
Instructions for the submission of abstracts
Australasia obesity conference, 18-20 October, Auckland
The Australian and New Zealand Obesity Society (ANZOS) will be holding their Annual Scientific Meeting at Auckland’s Rendezvous Hotel from 18-20 October 2012. This year’s Meeting theme is 'For Our Children’s Children.'The ANZOS Annual Scientific Meeting is designed to bring together clinicians, scientists, dieticians, researchers, psychologists, exercise physiologists, public health practitioners, guideline developers, students, educators, policy makers, administrators and patients to work toward an integrated approach to improve the management and prevention of obesity in Australasia.Delegates will have a chance to engage in our comprehensive three-day programme that will include a mix of renowned keynote speakers, informative sessions and workshops, and a gala dinner. Early bird registration for the meeting is available until 31 August. For more information and to register please go to http://www.anzos2012.com/
As part of the meeting there will be a free public lecture on Thursday evening 18 October, 6 to 7pm. The title is "For our children’s children: what is (y)our role". Speakers include Professors Barbara Rolls, Wayne Cutfield, Jim Mann, and Jacqueline Rowarth and the lecture will be chaired by Dame Jenny Shipley. Reserve your place for the public lecture .
The above information has been collated for the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS and is provided on a weekly basis. It is current as at Tuesday 31 Jul 2012
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