Nurse prescriber's understanding of their antimicrobial stewardship role: a qualitative study
Antimicrobial resistance is an infectious disease threat to public health globally, and antimicrobial stewardship among healthcare professionals is one key way to address this potential problem. Registered nurse designated prescribers are the newest group of health professionals to gain prescribing authority in Aotearoa New Zealand, yet little is known about their understanding of their antimicrobial stewardship role. The aim of this study, published in the Journal of Primary Health Care, was to explore registered nurse designated prescribers' understanding of their antimicrobial stewardship role through their prescribing practices and approaches to clinical reasoning.
Closing the equity gap as we move to the elimination of seclusion: Early results from a national quality improvement project
Use of seclusion within mental health inpatient facilities is harmful for consumers and staff, but it is still used in many Aotearoa New Zealand and Australian facilities, at higher, inequitable rates for the indigenous populations of both countries. This study, published in Australasian Psychiatry, reports early results from a national programme to eliminate seclusion in mental health services in Aotearoa New Zealand, using a bicultural approach to reduce inequity for Māori.