Coming together for something good: recommendations from a scoping review for dissemination and implementation science to improve indigenous substance use disorder treatment.
Dissemination and Implementation (D&I) science is growing among Indigenous communities. Indigenous communities are adapting and implementing evidence-based treatments for substance use disorders (SUD) to fit the needs of their communities. D&I science offers frameworks, models, and theories to increase implementation success, but research is needed to center Indigenous knowledge, enhancing D&I so that it is more applicable within Indigenous contexts. In this scoping review, published in Frontiers in Public Health, the current state of D&I science for SUD interventions among Indigenous communities and identified best-practice SUD implementation approaches was examined.
A systematic review of diversity, equity, and inclusion and antiracism training studies: Findings and future directions.
A growing number of organizations are prioritizing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and antiracism in the workplace, including investing resources in DEI or antiracism training. However, such trainings vary widely in curriculum, objectives, delivery, and evaluation, with little known about the efficacy of existing trainings. The aim of this systematic review, published in Translational Behavioral Medicine, is to evaluate training characteristics, measures, and results of peer-reviewed studies (published between 2000 and 2022) testing DEI or antiracism trainings.
The UN Sustainable Development Goals, national values, and Indigenous self-determination: Australian perspectives.
Australia endorsed the UN Sustainable Development Goals in 2015. In 2017, its Senate established a committee to satisfy itself of the goals, benefits, opportunities, and costs to the country. Although beyond its terms of reference, the committee also found that the goals were consistent with ill-defined national values. This article, published in AlterNative, uses the committee’s report as a framework for assessing the relationship between normative political values and the practical scope that exists for Indigenous self-determination.