1 Week Left to Register! Attend the 2024 Waitaha Nurses Research Showcase

on 22 July

Kia ora koutou,

Please find below an invitation to attend our upcoming FREE inaugural Waitaha Nursing Research Showcase. 

This year’s theme, Looking ahead: Where have we been, and where are we going? will capture nurses’ research from across the Canterbury health system - primary, secondary and tertiary care.

There is only 7 days left until the Showcase begins!

Details below:

When: 29th July-2nd August 2024, an hour each day, between 1200-1300hrs.

Where: Attend in person at Manawa (276 Antigua Street) or via Zoom. 

Who: This event is open to all health professionals interested in nursing research.

Register now through HealthLearn! 

By attending this event, you can earn professional development hours via HealthLearn!

If you don't have HealthLearn access, email NursingResearch@cdhb.health.nz for help to obtain this. 

For the timetable, presentation summaries and presenter information, click here.

pdf Waitaha Nursing Research Showcase Programme... (0.23MB)

Any questions? Please contact NursingResearch@cdhb.health.nz

We look forward to you joining us!

Ngā mihi,


Leah Hackney (she/her)
Nurse Coordinator | Research
Nursing Workforce Development Team
Waitaha | Te Waipounamu


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Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora

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