Non-combustible nicotine product cessation interventions in adolescents and young adults: A systematic review
New nicotine products such as e-cigarettes, heated tobacco and smokeless tobacco/nicotine products, are popular among young people. Most regret having started using these products, but little is known about how to help adolescents and young adults to quit most effectively. This systematic review, published in Tobacco Use Insights, aimed to identify all existing studies on the efficacy of cessation interventions on the use of novel nicotine and tobacco products in adolescents and young adults.
Interventions for smoking cessation: An overview of Cochrane reviews
Evidence of different smoking cessation interventions varies and has been assessed in many Cochrane reviews. This overview of Cochrane reviews, published in Tobacco Induced Diseases, was to summarise the effects of current interventions for smoking cessation.
Does socioeconomic position moderate the associations between the content and delivery features of digital behaviour change interventions for smoking cessation and intervention effectiveness? A systematic review and meta-analysis
Prior research indicates that digital smoking cessation interventions can be effective, but little is known about their active ingredients. Therefore, this review, published in Health Psychology Review, aimed to examine the associations of content (behaviour change techniques [BCTs]), delivery features (delivery mode, readability, ease-of-use), and socioeconomic position with effectiveness.