Welcome to the College of Nurses – News Update.
No. 133, Wednesday 12 December 2012
From NZ media this week
Nursing graduates steer clear of aged care
Less than 2 per cent of graduate nurses want to work specifically with the elderly, new data reveals.And with a rapidly ageing population in New Zealand, drastic changes to the way that new nursing graduates are recruited needs to occur, says the New Zealand Nursing Organisation (NZNO).
Trade deal will 'affect cost of health care'
The New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) is concerned that, despite the Prime Minister’s previous assurances that the fundamentals of New Zealand’s drug buying agency Pharmac would be protected during trade talks, the opposite appears to be the case.
Briar Mannering: Put NZ's health before interests of big pharma
Leaked proposed provisions of the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement could affect our ability to treat chronic diseases. Apart from the social cost to New Zealand, this will create a drain of taxpayer dollars
Emergency medic first for Gore
Gore Hospital is the first hospital in the country to take on a United States-trained emergency medic as part of a nationwide trial to fill rural vacancies.
Prison nurse's conduct 'lacking'
A prison nurse who withheld an inmate's medication because she believed he was hoarding it has failed in her bid to get her job back.
Nurse struck off
A New Plymouth nurse has been censured and struck off after he was convicted of fraud and assault last year.After a New Zealand Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal hearing in June, Todd Dennis Baker was found to have brought the profession into disrepute.
Rest home manager treated residents like 'animals'
A sacked rest home manager who abused and bullied elderly residents and treated them like "animals" has had her personal grievance case thrown out.
Alert 'buried' in notes led to fatal mistake
An internal incident report has found several issues in Dunedin Hospital procedures led to the accidental death of an Alexandra woman last year.
DHB specific
Major privacy breach at Bay of Plenty DHB
The Bay of Plenty District Health Board has sacked a "trusted" staff member for breaching the privacy of nearly 50 patients.
Hospital was warned of privacy threat'
The former husband of a woman at the centre of a major hospital privacy breach says he raised the alarm about her behaviour more than two years ago.
Second 3DHB executive appointment announced
The Chief Executives of the lower North Island DHBs today announced the appointment of Carolyn Cooper as the Executive Director of People and Culture for the their three DHBs. The new role will have responsibility for Human Resource functions, including Organisational Development across the 3 DHBs.
Hawkes Bay DHB tries to contain budget blowout
Vulnerable people are receiving less home help as Hawkes Bay District Health Board (DHB) struggles to contain a budget blowout.
Health cash $1.2m deficit real worry
Just what health services can be provided with the cash available will have to be the subject of "an open and honest discussion" with the public, the health board says.
Police investigating operating table death
Police have launched their own investigation after a patient died from an operation at a public hospital.
Hospital staff asked to take festive break
Staff at Nelson Hospital have been asked to take two weeks' leave over Christmas and New Year while the hospital is in summer shutdown.
DHB's leadership gets lowest rating from staff
Leadership at the Southern District Health Board has been ranked the worst in New Zealand by its medical staff.A survey exploring how health professionals in New Zealand feel about their board's clinical leadership has put the Southern District Health Board last out of 19 DHBs.
DHB Governance Debate Around Fit for Purpose
The extent to which District Health Board governance was ‘fit for purpose’ was robustly debated in an evening meeting of the NZ Institute of Health Management this week in Auckland (3 December).
Clinical governance in hospitals making good progress
The largest and most complex survey of the New Zealand health workforce has just been completed showing good progress across many DHBs in the development and implementation of clinical governance by health professionals in public hospitals.
International media
Study: Nurse phone calls reduce risk of readmission
Weekly telephone contact with a nurse substantially reduced hospital readmissions for high-risk patients, according to a study.
England-to introduce-compassion-based-appraisal-nursing
England to Introduce Compassion-Based Appraisal in Nursing England is considering introducing new three year strategy that will make sure that appraisals, recruitment and training of nursing staff are based on the compassion they provide to patients.
Nurses told to focus on compassionate care
Three-year strategy unveiled to tackle 'crisis in standards of care' amid concerns over treatment in NHS hospitals and care homes
Nurses have not stopped caring
It's politically expedient to blame substandard NHS care upon cold-hearted staff rather than disastrous health policies
Compassionate care: Nurse stories
The chief nursing officer for England has called for a renewed emphasis on compassion, competence and commitment within the profession
Nurses in drive for 'compassionate care'
More emphasis should be placed on nurses providing compassionate care in hospitals, industry leaders have said.http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-20583115
'Cold' nurses are an easy target – blame rotten NHS management (Opinion piece)
Nursing has not gone bad but privatisation, cuts and bureaucracy all contribute to a lowering of morale and care
Is nursing lacking in compassion?
Jessica Reed: Debate of the day: Nurses are to be judged on compassion as well as ability – tell us if you have found this virtue wanting in your experience of their care
Cameron admits NHS nursing problems after Ann Clwyd complaint
PM says some elderly people not getting appropriate care in hospitals, after MP said her husband died like 'battery hen'
Ann Clwyd: my husband died like a battery hen in hospital
Labour MP tells of inhumane treatment and says she fears normalisation of cruelty now rife among NHS nurses
How to get ahead in … academic nursing
As a number of nurse academics approach retirement age there are fears of a shortage of younger colleagues to replace them
Innovation can increase the impact of immunisation programmes
Foster a culture of creativity and encourage teams to share ideas to replicate success, says Robert Steinglass
Code of conduct
The International Council of Nurses’ newly revised "Code of Ethics for Nurses" highlights the importance of work environment and evidence-based practice.
Public health
Youth mental health information fund launched
Social Development Minister Paula Bennett today announced the launch of a new contestable fund to improve youth mental health information for parents, families and friends.
Lack of exercise blamed for rise in mental illness
The mental health of New Zealanders is being compromised by a lack of exercise and poor lifestyle choices warns the New Zealand Chiropractors’ Association following reports from the USA that mental health clinicians are considering exercise not just in therapy but as therapy.
Alcohol reforms 'watered down'
Labour and Green parties claim lobbying by private interests has derailed the original bill.
More booze outlets mean more violence in South Auckland - study
A new study has shown that violent crime and motor vehicle accidents are more prevalent in parts of South Auckland that have higher numbers of alcohol outlets than other areas.
Thousands stubbing out
About 70,000 fewer adults smoke tobacco daily now than three years ago, the latest official survey has found.
A total of 11,406 drug-related emergency department visits in the U.S. in 2010 were linked to the use of synthetic marijuana, most involving patients ages 12 to 29, according to a report from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Patients admitted for synthetic marijuana use were an average of six years younger than those hospitalized for marijuana use.
Steps to cut rheumatic fever rate
Expanding school sore throat clinics, improving access to primary healthcare and upgrading and insulating Northland's poor housing stocks could help rid the region of its high rates of the Third World disease rheumatic fever
Obesity gobbles up health dollars
Researchers say lost productivity from overweight workers is costing the country $98 million to $225 million.
Downturn still making kids sick
Poverty-related health struggles higher than before GFC, though rates are tapering off.
Health Monitor highlights health inequities - Every Child Counts
The latest update to the Children’s Social Health Monitor highlights the persistent health inequities experienced by Maaori and Pasifika children, and reinforces the need for government targets to improve child health, says Every Child Counts.
Crown cold on $2b plan to cut child poverty
A $2 billion Government overhaul, including more state homes and universal child support, is needed to fight child poverty, a report from the children's commissioner says.
Children hit even harder by poverty
The most vulnerable children are being left behind, even as the economy improves.
From the Ministry of Health
Premium-only Aged Residential Care Facilities and Stand-down Provisions for Mixed Facilities: Discussion document
Published online: 11 December 2012
Currently aged residential care providers can charge some of their residents extra for services that are additional to those stipulated by DHBs. For example, many providers charge extra for larger rooms (premium rooms). However, all providers must give their residents an option to not pay extra, and hence they must have some rooms at the standard contract rate. The discussion document outlines a proposal to allow some providers to charge all their residents extra, and only accept residents who are willing to pay extra. The proposal includes safeguards to ensure a sufficient supply of rooms without an extra charge. It also outlines a proposal for situations where a resident who will not pay extra wants to enter a mixed facility (one with standard charge and additional charge rooms) but the facility has only extra charge rooms vacant.
Te Ohonga Ake: The Health Status of Māori Children and Young People in New Zealand
Summary: This second report in the Te Ohonga Ake series explores the health status of Māori infants, children and young people using a range of routinely collected data sources.Due to its large size, this report is presented as a reference manual which is divided into three main sections:Issues More Common in InfantsIssues More Common in Children and or Common in Children and Young PeopleIssues More Common in Young People.For each indicator a "snapshot" of the most recent 5 years of data (hospital admissions 2006-2010; mortality 2004-2008) is provided, which compares rates for Māori children and young people with those of non-Māori non-Pacific children and young people. Where possible, ethnic specific trends for each indicator are also presented for 2000-2010 (hospital admissions) or 2000-2008 (mortality).
Online resources
Virtual Issue: New and Evolving Nursing Roles
Nursing roles are evolving and changing. At one end of the spectrum nurses are taking on more complex and advanced roles that incorporate many elements or tasks once undertaken by doctors. At the other end of the spectrum, to meet the global shortage of healthcare workers, especially in developing country contexts, nurses and midwives are shifting elements of their roles to lay health workers. In other areas such as health visiting, nurses are finding that their roles are being expanded ever wider to cover public health and health promotion on top of their current remit.
This selection of papers, published in JAN, shows some of the challenges and dilemmas created by role development and role substitution, and presents new evidence to inform the state of the art and science of this rapidly evolving area of global policy and practice.
Edited by Jane Noyes
November 2012
Interprofessional working or role substitution? A discussion of the emerging roles in emergency care
Rebecca Hoskins
Exploring the scope of expanding advanced nursing practice in nurse-led clinics: a multiple-case study
Ann T.Y. Shiu, Diana T.F. Lee, Janita P.C. Chau
Maintaining equilibrium in professional role identity: a grounded theory study of health visitors’ perceptions of their changing professional practice context
Alison I. Machin, Tony Machin, Pauline Pearson
Nurse practitioners and physician assistants in Dutch hospitals: their role, extent of substitution and facilitators and barriers experienced in the reallocation of tasks
Nicolien C. Zwijnenberg, Gerrie J. J. W. Bours
Time to clarify – the value of advanced practice nursing roles in health care
Grainne Lowe, Virginia Plummer, Anthony Paul O’Brien and Leanne Boyd
Clinical nurse research consultant: a clinical and academic role to advance practice and the discipline of nursing
Judy Currey, Julie Considine, Damien Khaw
Factors affecting nurse practitioner role implementation in Canadian practice settings: an integrative review
Esther Sangster-Gormley, Ruth Martin-Misener, Barbara Downe-Wamboldt, Alba DiCenso
Nurse prescribing roles in acute care: an evaluative case study
Kathryn Jones, Margaret Edwards, Alison While
The above information has been collated for the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS and is provided on a weekly basis. It is current as at Tuesday 11 December 2012
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