Welcome to the College of Nurses – News Update.
No. 154, Wednesday 22 May 2013
From NZ media this week
Northtec Students Gold and Silver At National Council of Māori Student Nurses Hui
NorthTec student nurses scored big at the recent annual National Council of Student Māori Nurses Hui in Nelson, with Kaitaia’s Caroline Snowden winning gold and Whangarei’s Aniwaniwa Mahanga taking out silver for their exemplar presentations.
District Nurses First to get Mobile Technology
Southern DHB has become the first to introduce mobile technology to District Nurses. Southland Hospital DistrictNurses in early May started using tablets and specialist Agility software to manage workflow, scheduling and have real-timeinformation about the patients they are visiting in the community.
Nurses' decision-making altered with management model
Nurses’ professional autonomy and levels of patient care have declined after the introduction of a generic management model, according to new research from Massey University PhD graduate.
Infant bed-sharing increases death chance
Sharing a bed with an infant carries a five-fold increase in the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), a University of Auckland study reveals.
Curative power of clowns prescribed
About 20 clowns have been accepted into New Zealand's first academic programme to become fully qualified medical comedians.
Smoking used to 'reward' patients
Patients in closed mental health wards at Waitemata District Health Board are allowed out for cigarettes as a reward for good behaviour, a patient alleges.
Hospital smoking ban defended
The two mental health patients appealing against a hospital-wide smoking ban had significant disorders which would make them irritable whether they were allowed to smoke or not, the High Court at Auckland has heard.
Paramedics under stress
Growing number of 111 calls means ambulance staff working without breaks, says boss.
New Zealanders receiving better health services"
New Zealanders are getting more checks for diabetes and heart disease, more help to quit smoking and more operations faster," says Health Minister Tony Ryall releasing the latest national health target results.
DHB specific
Waikato Hospital crackdown on non-emergency visits
Waikato Hospital ED visitors could soon be handed leaflets afterwards telling them why their visit didn't rate as an emergency
Improving patients' travel scrapped
Improving travel assistance for MidCentral District Health Board patients has been canned as it may create unrealistic expectations.
Listening is first step on path to improving health system
Listening to patients’ experiences to determine how to improve the health system is the aim of two consumer representatives on West Coast District Health Board’s Clinical Board.
Drug free scripts on rise in Bay (+poll)
The popularity of drug-free "green prescriptions" is rising in the Bay of Plenty with more than 2000 issued in the past 10 months. http://www.bayofplentytimes.co.nz/news/drug-free-scripts-on-rise-in-bay/1877606/
Health Sector Managers can now benefit from Online Diploma paper
A new Health sector Diploma level paper for those who are already managing or administrating health and medical practices; PHOs and hospitals will be specifically available online through NorthTec starting in the second semester in July.
New operating theatre has latest technology
Dunedin Hospital's theatre block may be old but step into theatre nine and you are transported into the modern world of the latest in surgical technology.
DHBs given hard word on cutting diagnostic test waiting times
Health Minister Tony Ryall has given district health boards the hard word on cutting waiting times for diagnostic tests.
Public health
Teens trying booze more likely to binge later - research
People who begin drinking alcohol during puberty are more likely to become hooked, researchers have warned.
Whānau to Lead Change On Alcohol Policy In Auckland
Whānau and Māori communities are leading change to address alcohol harm in Auckland starting with an alcohol policy forum on Thursday 23rd May 2013. The forum will give attendees an insight into the Auckland alcohol policy. Community health worker, Hemi Tahuri, is keen to hear about how whānau, community members and organisations can work together to address alcohol harm issues. “I’m hoping the forum will provide a clear pathway on how we can support whānau and communities to have a say on Alcohol policies” says Mr Tahuri.
Preschools may get right to bar unvaccinated children
Preschools and childcare centres in New South Wales may be given the legal right to refuse to enrol children who have not been vaccinated.
Pox party risks too high: Doctor
A Wairarapa medical expert is warning parents that deliberate exposure of youngsters to diseases like chickenpox poses serious health risks.
NZ running low on chickenpox vaccines
New Zealand is running low on chickenpox vaccines as more parents seek to have their children immunised and as winter approaches.
Push for legal-high regulation
A legal-high advocacy group says it empathises with Southland parents concerned about their children using synthetic cannabis.
'Legal, but it's not safe'
A toxicology expert says taking synthetic cannabinoid out of dairies would halve the problem.
Ban Smoking In Public Places, UC Health Sciences Researcher Says
A University of Canterbury (UC) health sciences researcher has called for public places such as bus stops, train stations, ferry terminals, streets, urban centres and beaches to be declared smoke-free.
Council hears proposal to ban smoking
Courtenay Pl, Willis St and Lambton Quay could become the country's first smokefree streets under a proposal submitted to Wellington City Council this morning
NZ sniffle hygiene is slipping - survey
Be wary of the next person you shake hands with - nearly 40 per cent of adults New Zealanders have admitted to using their fingers to wipe their nose.
Coeliac Awareness Week – 26 May - 1 June
Going gluten-free is more than just a diet fad for coeliac disease sufferers, who have a permanent intolerance to gluten and can suffer long term health problems if not diagnosed.
What is 52? In New Zealand at least 52 people will die from asthma this year.
The Asthma Foundation has launched a hard-hitting campaign for Asthma Awareness Week and Balloon Day. “We want people to realise just how serious asthma can be,” said Angela Francis, chief executive of the Asthma Foundation.
Fat NZ: Crisis ahead
New Zealand adults are on average the second heaviest among 50 countries, a health list reveals - prompting warnings of a looming medical crisis for some Kiwis.
More children getting help to see
More young New Zealanders in need of glasses to correct their vision have received free spectacles through a Government-funded subsidy.
Social health
Child abuse crusade
Teresa O'Connor backgrounds a Nelson initiative aimed at helping people identify the neglect and abuse of children
Jump forecast in Kiwi gambling
Health Ministry problem gambling strategy blames bigger jackpots and says SkyCity deal will add to problems.
PM: Food in schools is good, but welfare reform still
National will announce a food-in-schools programme early this week to prevent children becoming victims of learning problems, Prime Minister John Key told party members yesterday.
PM on child hunger plan: 'It's not just food'
The Government's plan to ensure children don't go hungry at school will go beyond providing them with food, Prime Minister John Key says.
Breakfast plans 'sadly necessary'
A national scheme to provide children's breakfast in schools is a sad but necessary policy, Christchurch principals say.
Nit kids get dosed with flea remedy
Frustrated parents have taken to treating their children's head lice with dangerous animal flea products.
Parents told to keep tabs as child sex on rise
A youth worker says children as young as 11 are having sex in Invercargill, which has one of the highest teenage pregnancy rates in New Zealand.
Winter health fears
Generation Y consumers and at-risk Wanganui women are struggling to stay warm, with constantly rising power prices.
Mental health
Help for vulnerable new mothers
Those suffering mental illnesses related to pregnancy and birth can bring their baby to specialist-care unit.
National suicide prevention plan launched
A new national suicide prevention plan will pump $25 million into a raft of initiatives, including support for small communities which lose major industries and more support for families of suicide victims.
Suicide prevention plan 'critically important' - PM
Prime Minister John Key says pouring resources into a $25 million suicide action plan is "critically important" to tackling New Zealand's high youth suicide rate.
Preventing depression in farmers
Rising pressures on farmers and alarming statistics that show depression is a real issue in rural communities has prompted rural organisations to get together to find solutions.
International media
Australian Nursing Federation calls for state government action over hospital violence
NURSES have told of being beaten by patients and their relatives, and living in fear of threats they will be shot, as they increase calls for government action against hospital violence.
Singapore, New Zealand open doors for skilled workers, nurses
SAN FERNANDO CITY, May 22 (PIA) -- Singapore and New Zealand have opened their doors for skilled workers and nurses.
Calls for laws to enforce hospital needle safety equipment
EMILY BOURKE: Nurses and health workers are calling for tougher action to cut the number of needle stick or "sharps" injuries.
It's estimated that each year around 18,000 hospital staffers are tested for diseases like HIV and hepatitis C after such injuries.
School Nurses Case Goes Before California Supreme Court
ANA is the lead plaintiff in a case before the California Supreme Court that will determine who is qualified to administer insulin in schools. Previously, two lower courts ruled that the California Department of Education’s (CDE) effort to sidestep the state’sNursing Practice Act and allow unlicensed personnel to give insulin to children in schools was unlawful, but the American Diabetes Association and others appealed the decision.
More Men Are Being Educated as Registered Nurses
A review of data from the American Association of Colleges of Nursing and the National League for Nursing confirms that men represent an increasing percentage of nursing students.
Fall in NHS district nurses 'causing needless suffering'
The Royal College of Nursing says that a fall in the number of NHS district nurses of more than 40 per cent over the last decade is causing needless suffering for patients.
Forensic mental health staff trial aims to assist EDs
South Australia will trial a plan to employ forensic mental health staff to better manage people in the state’s court system, in a move designed to alleviate demand on public hospital emergency departments.
Nurses say no to violence
Nurse ‘Jackie’ has been threatened by patients, who have also threatened to hunt down her family.
Articles of interest
Evidence-based nursing: Finding the way to evidence-based practice
Nursing Management
May 2013
Volume 44 Number 5
Pages 15 - 19
Originating from Florence Nightingale's work, using evidence to determine the best patient care has been the ethos for nursing practice.1 Evidence-based practice (EBP) requires structures and processes "to evaluate existing nursing practice" and "translate new knowledge into nursing practice" for positive patient outcomes.2 This reflects Donabedian's quality improvement framework of structure, process, and outcomes.3 One essential structure for promoting effective EBP use by nurses is strong leadership.4,5 Positive beliefs and attitudes about EBP's value are an integral part of the nurse leaders skill set for advancing evidence-based care at the bedside.6-8
Implementing evidence into practice
January 2013
Volume 43 Number 1 - Supplement: Lippincott's 2013 Nursing Career & Education Directory
Pages 4 - 6
THE PARADIGM OF HEALTHCARE as we know it is shifting. When the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010, 30 million people who didn't have access to healthcare were suddenly eligible for healthcare services. Reimbursement for care has started to shift from volume-based, fee-for-service care to value-based care in which reimbursement is based on patient outcomes. Why is this? Simply put, the care we've been delivering costs too much and the quality isn't what it should be.
Enhancing Service Coordination Knowledge Through Professional DevelopmentInfants & Young Children - Featured Journal
June 2013
Volume 26 Number 2
Pages 164 – 176
All eligible infants and toddlers who receive early intervention services under Part C of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act are entitled to service coordination. To examine the effectiveness of one state's service coordination training and its impact on knowledge and skill development, a pretest-posttest design with follow-up survey was employed. Thirty-nine service coordinators and other early intervention practitioners participated in the 2-day Kaleidoscope, New Perspectives in Service Coordination-Level I training. Participation in training resulted in significant increases in knowledge about service coordination practices. Survey respondents reported that they perceived the training to be useful and that their knowledge related to what they learned had improved. Respondents also indicated needs for further resources and training in providing effective service coordination to children and families. Implications for professional development in service coordination are discussed.
Impact of Healthy Work Environments on New Graduate Nurses’ Environmental Reality Shock
Do healthy work environments (HWEs) facilitate new graduate transition into professional practice in hospitals? Are such environments related to a decrease in Environmental Reality Shock? Experienced nurses in 17 Magnet hospitals completed the Essentials of Magnetism II© (EOMII©) instrument that measures health of unit work environments. New graduates (N = 468) were then tracked with modified versions of the EOMII© from immediate post hire to 4, 8, and 12 months post hire to ascertain degree of Environmental Reality Shock. New graduate nurses have extremely high anticipations of unit work environments that would enable delivery of quality patient care. HWE is the most-significant variable in Environmental Reality Shock, number of related Issues and Concerns, and perceptions of quality of patient care. Suggestions of how to improve quality of unit work environments are offered.
Professional development seminars
New and Emerging Drugs – Free Seminar / Webinar (Drug and Alcohol Nurses Australasia)
Wednesday 5th June10:00 – 11:00am
Over the last decade, a range of new psychoactive substances have been appearing around the world. Structurally similar to existing illegal drugs, but chemically altered to circumvent the law, these new drugs are creating a range of challenges for medical staff, treatment workers and policy-makers, especially in regards to their health effects and how to respond when adverse events occur.
This free Dovetail seminar / webinar will provide an overview of the history of these emerging drugs and an up-to-date overview of some of the products currently available inQueensland, including the most common synthetic cannabinoids, cathinones and hallucinogens. There will also be an opportunity to discuss ways that frontline medical, health and community services staff can respond to possible client presentations within a range of treatment settings.
How do I participate?
Via webinar through any computer with the Mozilla Firefox web browser.
To book your place in this free event, go to http://www.dovetail.org.au/edregistration
.You can also follow this event on Twitter using the hashtag #emergingdrugsIf you have any questions about this event or want to know more about Dovetail, simply visit www.dovetail.org.au or phone our office on 3837 5621
Websites and social media
painHEALTH - new website for chronic pain
PainHealth is a new website from WA Health, aimed at helping the estimated 700,000 Australians suffering from musculoskeletal pain such as low back pain, neck pain, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis. The aim is to provide these sufferers with evidence based information on how best to manage their conditions. The site includes pain stories from people with chronic musculoskeltal pain, pain management training modules, links to various resources, pain self-checks and basic information about pain.
The above information has been collated for the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS and is provided on a weekly basis. It is current as at Tuesday 28 May 2013 If you have any feedback about content - what parts are most useful or what you would like added - please email admin@nurse.org.nz
For more up to date news and information follow SNIPS at:
Facebook: Snips Info
twitter: @SnipsInfo
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