Welcome to the College of Nurses – News Update.
No. 159, Wednesday 26 June 2013
From NZ media this week
Fast act saves life of infant
A plunket nurse saved a baby's life after she was on the spot when the six-week-old boy stopped breathing.
Pair proud to help families
They're modern mums and the new community Karitane educator and Kaiawhina for Plunket Wanganui will be working with the nine out of 10 Plunket babies in the Wanganui community.
Value of Medicines Award worth $20,000 to a keen researcher
Entries for the 2013 Medicines New Zealand Value of Medicines Award are now open.“The Medicines New Zealand Value of Medicines Award encourages and showcases innovative projects that have the potential to improve health outcomes for New Zealanders, through the use of medicines or vaccines.”
Better planning needed for elderly
A leading New Zealand expert on the needs of the elderly says the Western Bay needs to prepare for the time when more than one in every 10 people will be aged over 85.
More than 8,000 Kiwi Men check their score
This June Caltex asked Kiwi men to start looking after their health in the same way they often look after their cars, and over 8,000 men have responded.
More Green Leaves Needed In Samoan Diet
How do you get Samoans eating more of the nation’s healthiest leafy green vegetables?That was the focus of a workshop, which was funded by Australian Centre for International Agriculture Research (ACIAR), co-ordinated by Women in Business Development with support from Ministry of Health, last week.
Vigil and Plunket team up to promote child health
The Royal New Zealand Plunket Society (Inc.) is collaborating with Sir Ray Avery’s Vigil Wireless Sensor Technology to investigate the opportunity to develop a world first, secure, cloud-based neonatal monitoring system.
Nicotine inhaler gives instant 'hit'
716 participants to puff on the inhaler
Therapist close at hand for patients
An email from a frustrated woman sparked the Wairarapa and Upper Hutt DHB to bring a specialist hand therapist to the region.
New diabetes regime shows promise
Dropping free annual GP visits for diabetics seems to be working, because they need to visit the doctor anyway, Dr Hywel Lloyd says
New Tool for to Tackle Impact of Parental Addiction on Children
The impact of parental drinking on children came under the spotlight today at the launch of a children’s book about a young girl whose father has a drinking problem.
You wouldn’t put up with a leaking roof - why put up with a leaky bladder
1.1 Million New Zealanders experience incontinence (bladder and bowel problems; that is 1 in 4 people.
Landmark equal pay case opens
A landmark legal case affecting thousands of low-paid women workers commenced today in the Auckland Employment Court. The case will continue tomorrow and Wednesday.
The pills bills: It's life or death
The Government's drug-buying agency is asking New Zealanders whether young people should be able to jump queues for costly drugs at the expense of older people who've already had a long life.
Claims hospital contributed to death
The Baker family believe because he suffered from Prader Willi syndrome - a complex condition where a complete lack of control leads to an insatiable appetite causing morbid obesity - nursing staff did not give him the best treatment.
Warning on overuse of hillbilly heroin
Alarming prescription rates for an addictive painkiller known as "hillbilly heroin" have prompted a nationwide call for doctors to curb its use.
http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/8817393/Warning-on-overuse-of-hillbilly-heroin DHB specific
Janine Ingram appointed RWHS change manager
Whanganui and MidCentral District Health Boards have appointed former charge nurse Janine Ingram as their Regional Women's Health Service (RWHS) change manager.
DHB lifts shroud on death figures
The Waitemata District Health Board hired a health watchdog to help it to lift its game in responding to complaints and treating patients with compassion. Health reporter Martin Johnston checks on progress.
Waikato church leaders gather to support hospital chaplaincy
More than 120 church leaders from across the Waikato region arrived at Waikato Hospital today (21 June) to show their support for Waikato DHB’s chaplaincy service.
Reduction in Medication Errors after Implementation
The New Zealand Ministry of Health has awarded CSC a five-year, NZ$17 million contract for the provision of its in-hospital prescribing and administration solution, MedChart, to all 20 District Health Boards (DHBs) across the country.
Waitemata DHB takes lead on electronic prescription of medications
Patient safety and quality of care is set to improve even further at Waitemata District Health Board with the expansion of electronic prescribing and administration of medications at its main clinical sites.
COWs boosting patient safety
Doctors and nurses are using a COW (computer on wheels) to make medicines safer for patients.
DHB quiet on threat to jobs
The region's health boss will not say if any Marlborough jobs are under threat in the latest round of cuts by the district health board.http://www.stuff.co.nz/marlborough-express/news/8832908/DHB-quiet-on-threat-to-jobs
Another six top jobs to go at DHB
Jobs are set to be cut to save $1 million at the Nelson Marlborough District Health Board.Positions ranging from business analysts to board secretary are among those proposed to go.
DHB meets new target
Taranaki DHB is the first in the country to reach the goal of no patients waiting more than five months for their first assessment with a consultant or for treatment.
Hospital given deadline to fix failures
Hutt Hospital is "in meltdown" and risks losing its training accreditation for anaesthetists after failing to meet minimum standards.
Tight budgets threaten health jobs
Leaders of city's hospital and healthcare services worried about losing staff as funding increases slow.http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10891757
DHB slammed for letting mental health patient decline procedure
A decision to allow a mental health patient to decline a potentially life-saving procedure has been slammed by a coroner.
Public health
Ongoing Whooping Cough Epidemic in Northland Poses Serious Risks for Babies
Whooping cough causes outbreaks in New Zealand every 3-5 years, partly as a result of historically low immunisation coverage. Whooping cough is a highly infectious bacterial infection spread by sneezing and coughing.
Meningococcal Resource - Questions you should ask your doctor
The parents of a 14-month-old Northland toddler who died of Meningococcal disease last year have taken action to help prevent further similar deaths.
Influenza-like-illnesses pestering plenty in NZ
Influenza-like-illnesses are pestering a lot of people this winter, but health experts say the flu virus is not the main culprit - yet.
Care for K2 users hits resources
Increasing pressure on health resources from synthetic cannabanoid use was the main theme at a symposium of medical professionals in Dunedin yesterday.
Social health
Food in Schools is a start; now let’s deal with the tough issues
Following the announcement of the $9.5 million dollar government investment in the ‘Food For Schools’ programme, the Choice Foundation joins a growing list of children’s advocacy groups that have said that while the move is a step in the right direction, more needs to be done to combat the cycle of child and youth poverty in New Zealand.
Asthma scientist: Look after the children
She helped create a groundbreaking new drug to battle asthma - but Jilly Evans says the best way of beating the condition is by getting children out of cold and overcrowded houses.
Kids suffering as poverty strikes hard
An unacceptable level of poverty-related illnesses in West Auckland classrooms has prompted calls for more school nurses.
Brushing up on good habits
Children in poorer areas with shocking levels of dental decay are being armed with free toothbrushes and toothpaste.
Warm, dry homes a must for those with a respiratory condition
There is now irrefutable evidence that cold, damp houses are bad for our health –particularly for those with respiratory problems.
Mental health
Life insurance shock for TV presenter mum
When TV glamour-girl Sonia Gray emerged from the dark grip of depression while pregnant, she thought her fight with mental illness was behind her.
International media
Study measures impact of verbal abuse on new RNs
Nurses who are verbally abused by nursing colleagues report lower job satisfaction, unfavorable perceptions of their work environment and greater intent to leave their job, according to a study of newly licensed RNs.
New MERS virus spreads easily, deadlier than SARS
A mysterious new respiratory virus that originated in the Middle East spreads easily between people and appears more deadly than SARS, doctors reported after investigating the biggest outbreak in Saudi Arabia.
Dozens of jobs going from Royal District Nursing Service in South Australia
A union said dozens of jobs were going from the Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) in South Australia.
Nurses want delay on EHR go-live, cite lack of training
Registered nurses at Affinity Medical Center--a 266-bed facility in Massillon, Ohio--are asking hospital officials to delay the go-live of an electronic medical record system, set for Friday, until the hospital agrees to proceed in a "safe" manner with the nurses. According to an announcement from National Nurses United, the RNs--represented by affiliate National Nurses Organizing Committee (NNOC) in Ohio--haven't had sufficient training and fear putting patients at risk.
A report by The Queen's Nursing Institute
The Queen’s Nursing Institute (QNI) has just issued a new report on the number of District Nurses currently being trained in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
AACN practice alert addresses alarm fatigue in ICU
A new practice alert from the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses outlines evidence-based protocols to reduce false or non-actionable alarms and improve the effective use of these monitoring aids.
Health and wellness
Top 10 wellness tips for winter
The winter season is almost upon us, and now is a good time to start thinking about how you can keep yourself and family healthy this winter. Auckland Regional Public Health Service’s top ten wellness tips for winter aim to help you spend your time doing the things you enjoy, instead of staying at home and feeling unwell.
Articles of interest
The development and evaluation of a preceptorship program using a practice development approach
The aim of the research was to evaluate a Preceptor Workshop for nurses and midwives structured using a Practice Development framework. The workshop was underpinned by an exploration of nurses and midwives attitudes, perceptions and concerns about being a preceptor.
Nurses’ workarounds in acute healthcare settings: a scoping review
Workarounds circumvent or temporarily ‘fix’ perceived workflow hindrances to meet a goal or to achieve it more readily. Behaviours fitting the definition of workarounds often include violations, deviations, problem solving, improvisations, procedural failures and shortcuts. Clinicians implement workarounds in response to the complexity of delivering patient care. One imperative to understand workarounds lies in their influence on patient safety. This paper assesses the peer reviewed empirical evidence available on the use, proliferation, conceptualisation, rationalisation and perceived impact of nurses’ use of workarounds in acute care settings.
Creating a Culture of Safety for Safe Patient Handling
Healthcare workers who handle patients have little guidance to help them identify when to use the existing equipment for moving patients. Manual lifting of patients and healthcare worker injuries continue despite equipment installation and training. The purpose of this project was to decrease the number and severity of healthcare worker injuries by implementing a culture of safety for safe patient handling. A multicomponent safe patient handling program was deployed on one inpatient unit at a Midwest academic acute care hospital. There was a 36% decrease in the number of patient handling injuries, a 71% reduction in the number of lost work days, and a 60% reduction in costs in 1 year related to patient handling injuries. The RN Satisfaction Survey question regarding having enough help to lift/move on last shift improved from 41% presurvey to 69% postsurvey.
From the Ministry of Health
Primary Care Ethnicity Data Audit Toolkit
The scope of the Toolkit includes three practice-administered tools to assess the quality of ethnicity data and systems for data collection, recording and output within primary health care settings, and provides guidance on quality improvement activities.The Toolkit helps practices assess primary health care ethnicity data against the standard for the health and disability sector, outlined in the Ethnicity Data Protocols for the Health and Disability Sector (Ministry of Health, 2004) and the Ethnicity Data Protocols Supplementary Notes (Ministry of Health, 2009) and, more broadly, against current best practice.
The Distribution of Household Crowding in New Zealand: An analysis based on 1991 to 2006 Census dataThe Distribution of Household Crowding in New Zealand: An analysis based on the 1991 to 2006 Census data looks at the distribution of exposure to household crowding for ethnic and other population sub-groups.The report demonstrates that the relative risk of developing close contact infectious diseases (CCIDs) is higher for Māori and Pacific people who are exposed to higher rates of crowded housing. It cannot show a direct link with health outcomes as the census does not collect CCIDs.
Evaluation of the Bowel Screening Pilot: Eligible Population Perspectives
The Ministry of Health has commissioned Litmus and Sapere Research Group to evaluate the Bowel Screening Pilot. Information gained through the evaluation will help determine whether a bowel screening programme should be rolled out nationally.This report from Litmus looks at the experience of bowel screening pilot participants. As well, it contains qualitative research into Māori and Pacific populations that did not take up the opportunity to be screened and explores the barriers to participation.
Evaluation of the Bowel Screening Pilot: Findings from 2012 Immersion Visit
The Ministry of Health has commissioned Litmus and Sapere Research Group to evaluate the Bowel Screening Pilot. Information gained through the evaluation will help determine whether a bowel screening programme should be rolled out nationally. This report provides information on the bowel screening pilot from the perspective of those providing services to the pilot.
Public Health Association Conference 2013: Registrations now open
The very early bird gets the savings!The Organising Committee is pleased to announce Very early bird registrations for the PHA 2013 Conference are now open. The Very early bird rate represents a significant saving on the cost of the conference, but it will only be available until 29 June.
So get in early – only 100 Very early bird registrations are available!
The Conference will be held in New Plymouth, Taranaki, 17-19 September, and will be hosted by the Maori Caucus. The conference theme is “Partnership or Collaboration; is there a difference?” and we have a great line-up of speakers and presenters.
So far our confirmed keynote speakers include:
Dame Anne Salmond (Distinguished Professor in Maori Studies and Anthropology and 2013 New Zealander of the Year)
Metiria Turei (Green Party Co-leader and Spokesperson on Social Equity, Maori Affairs and Education)
Prof Jane Kelsey (Professor of Law, University of Auckland)
Moana Jackson (Maori lawyer specialising in Treaty of Waitangi and constitutional issues)
Dame Susan Devoy (Race Relations Commissioner) Prof Damon Selesa (Associate Professor of Pacific Studies, University of Auckland)
Dr Anwar Ghani (Senior Scientist, AgResearch; President of the Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand)
Dr Mihi Ratima (Director, Taumata Associates)
Elsie Ho (Director, Population Mental Health, School of Population Health; Director, Centre for Asian and Ethnic Minority Health Research).
Find out more and register at http://conference.pha.org.nz
You don’t want to miss out on the most important public health event of the year!
Dates and registration rates are included in the table below (note: Very early bird registrations can only be accepted by credit card).
'Children in Crisis' conference, 7-9 October, Hamilton
The Centre for Global Studies in Education at University of Waikato, Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato, Hamilton, is hosting a national hui in response to recent reports and research on children in crisis in Aotearoa/New Zealand.This 3-day conference provides an opportunity for all interested groups (practitioners, teachers, counselors, social workers and academics) to discuss vital issues pertaining to this topic and seek evidence-based solutions to better services.
This will include: discussing government policies and initiatives, developing a 'Handbook for Teachers' and producing other publications including a 'Special Issue of Policy Futures in Education'.
Submissions may be in the form of papers, symposia, workshops or posters and should relate to the four major strands of the conference:· Child poverty · Children’s rights · Child abuse · Policies and practices
Please send a title, type of proposal submission, abstract (200 word max) and contributor names to: globalstudies@waikato.ac.nz
Early bird registrations close 31 July.
The above information has been collated for the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS and is provided on a weekly basis. It is current as at Tuesday 25 June 2013
If you have any feedback about content - what parts are most useful or what you would like added - please email admin@nurse.org.nz
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