News bulletin 13 August

on 13 August


Welcome to the College of Nurses – News Update.
No. 215 Wednesday 13 Aug 2014

From NZ media this week

Groundbreaking pilot in Hawke’s Bay patient care
A pilot programme involving Hawke’s Bay District Health Board District Nurses and three General Practices is breaking new ground in patient care.

 Nurses support PSA health workers’ industrial action
Forty six thousand nurses, midwives, students, kaimahi hauora, health care workers and allied health professionals from all around the country are sending their support to the PSA health workers who recently voted to take industrial action.

 Planned health strike is 'about safety'
Nancy McShane has worked at a Canterbury District Health Board mental health facility for five years and is angered by what she sees on the job.

Nurse shortage skips Wanganui
A nursing shortage hitting the country is skipping over Wanganui due to its small size, Whanganui District Health Board (WDHB) director of nursing Sandy Blake says.

 Ngā Manukura o Āpōpō Launches Upgraded Nursing EPortfolio
National Māori Nursing and Midwifery workforce development programme Ngā Manukura o Āpōpō has launched its upgraded and new look Nursing ePortfolio.

 Desperate nurses call for jobs action
Many New Zealand nursing graduates are stacking shelves or heading overseas due to lack of job opportunities, and the Nurses Organisation is looking to the Government for something to be done

 8,000 signatures delivered to Minister of Health
Young nurses, older nurses, student nurses and newly graduated nurses gathered at Parliament today to support the presentation of a petition calling for a nurse entry to practice programme for all new graduate nurses. More than 8,000 people signed the petition, which was unrolled on the steps of Parliament, fortunately not in high winds. NZNO President, Marion Guy, and Kaiwhakahaere, Kerri Nuku, presented the petition to the Minister of Health, Tony Ryall.

Nurse deregistered over relationship
A Hawke's Bay nurse has been deregistered for having a sexual relationship with a former mental health patient.

Nurses release more time to care
Nurses have quadrupled the amount of time they spend with patients during a pilot of a world renowned programme at Auckland City Hospital.

Nurses' access to notes hailed
A trial that gives district nurses remote access to GPs' notes is expected to be rolled out before April next year.

Report slams medical privacy
A damning Privacy Commission review shows snooping doctors, nurses and even admin workers can access patients' most personal medical records.

Clinical leadership improving cardiac care
The National Cardiac Network, which is led by cardiac surgeons, cardiologists, GPs, nurses and other health professionals, continues to make gains and improve cardiac services in New Zealand.

From international media sources this week

Daylight is best medicine for nurses
For the health and happiness of nurses – and for the best care of hospital patients – new research suggests exposure to natural light may be the best medicine. Letting natural light into the nurses’ workstations offered improved alertness and mood restoration effects, as measured by the study. “The increase in positive sociability, as measured by the occurrence of frequent laughter, was … significant,” noted authors.

Some Singapore nurses find work 'too hectic'
A move to narrow the pay gap between public- and private-sector nurses might not stem the flow to private institutions, going by the views of nurses interviewed by The Straits Times. –
See more at:

Noisy nurses blamed for sleep loss in Canberra Hospital study
Patients lose two hours of sleep at Canberra Hospital each night as a result of higher than recommended sound, with noisy nurses mostly to blame,  an internal review has found. 
Read more:

Project to boost research training for Thai nurses
ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) — A new project involving the University of Michigan and an institute within Thailand's Ministry of Public Health will help provide research training for nurses and other health professionals. –
See more at:

Aged care

More Maori consider rest home care
The Maori Party co-leader says more whanau Maori are considering the idea of going into rest homes.

DHB specific

Uncertainty still rife in area hospitals
Staff at Hutt Hospital say the management restructure with Wairarapa Hospital has left them in the dark and created uncertainty about their jobs.

West Coast leads Australasia in systemic fight against infections
In a first for Australasia, the West Coast DHB is using software in both its hospitals and general practices that could help identify any superbug outbreaks and will track resistance to antibiotics.

Rural health celebrates strategy launch
The Rural Health Alliance Aotearoa New Zealand (RHĀNZ) has achieved a milestone by launching its Strategy for Healthy Rural Communities. RHĀNZ is a first for New Zealand, bringing together multiple rural sector organisations with a focus on rural health.

Public health

Major fears as measles outbreak hits North
Measles has arrived in Northland with health officials worried about a much wider spread of the potentially dangerous disease because of the region's historically low immunisation rate.

Ebola alert for health workers
Health workers are being urged to look out for the deadly Ebola virus in New Zealand as the disease continues to spread overseas.

NZ begins Ebola checks on travellers from West Africa
New Zealand border officials intend screening anyone arriving from West African countries afflicted by the deadly Ebola virus, which has claimed almost 1000 lives since March.

Social health

Poor housing impacts families, report says
High and rising rents, poor and deteriorating rentals and few rights for tenants are the key issues facing low-income families, a new report says.

Drugs, alcohol and smoking

New website reaches New Zealand’s hidden problem drinkers
People struggling with their alcohol use now have a new online place where they can go to get help anonymously from others with similar experiences.

Election 2014

Labour boosts primary health care with $60 million
A Labour Government will invest $40 million a year to support GPs providing free or low cost visits to some of our most vulnerable communities, Labour Leader David Cunliffe says.$60-million.aspx

Mental health priorities for the upcoming elections
Health inequalities for Maori and Pacific people and alcohol-related harm are two of six issues psychiatrists want political leaders to put on their list of priorities when forming the next Government.

Election forum on public health
The Wellington Branch of the Public Health Association warmly invites you to come along to this pre-election forum on public health. We have a great line-up of candidates and Linda Clark will be the MC. It is promising to be an informative and entertaining evening.
Tuesday 26 August 2014
NZ Film Archives, Taranaki St, Wellington

HEALTH - Taking the nation's temperature
If health issues have been sometimes absent from headlines, it doesn't mean there are none or that there are no differences between the political parties. There are - and they're sizeable.'s-temperature

Labour's health plan cost queried
A battle has erupted over the affordability of taxpayers funding GP care for the elderly after Labour pledged to make their doctors visits free.

Social media

Nurses Will Reap the Benefits of Wearable Tech
Wearable technology is all the rage - not only among consumers, but also among professionals in healthcare and medicine. "Wearables" demonstrated at the 2014 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) ranged from smart watches from Pebble Steel andRazor Nabu, to fitness and sports tracker watches like Sapphire Wellness WatchSalutron LifeTrakHot WatchZTE BlueWatch and Casio STB-1000 Sports Gear. Also making a mark was eyewear like Google Glass and Oculus Rift and heart rate monitors positioned in bands, watches and earphones.

Articles of interest

Overseas qualified nurses in Australia: reflecting on the issue
The migration of international nurses is a growing phenomenon and will continue in response to global nursing shortages. Historically, nursing has been depicted as a ‘portable’ profession, or one which enables individuals to move across inter/national borders. This ‘portability’ of nursing is supporting skilled nurse migration around the world. However, nursing practices learned by Overseas Qualified Nurses (OQN) in their home countries may differ to the role and expectations of the new country in relation to scope of practice, professional and legal environment, accountability, professional autonomy, health care technology and inter-professional relationships.Relatively little is known about the experiences of OQN in Australia and particularly, about those from non-English speaking backgrounds. Supported by international literature and personal experiences, this paper describes the adaptation process and challenges faced by OQN in beginning a new life in Australia.

Nurse practitioner prescribing practice in Australia: Confidence in aspects of medication management
The findings of the 2010 national survey of nurse practitioner (NP) prescribing in Australia related to confidence in prescribing are reported. A significant correlation between years endorsed as a NP and prescribing confidence was found. NPs in Australia were significantly more confident in the prescribing aspects of commencing a new medication than adjusting or ceasing a medication prescribed by others. These findings are discussed in relation to promotion of the quality use of medicines and identification of potential strategies to promote the ongoing positive evolution of NP practice in Australia.


The Department of Corrections newsletter in March focused on health services provided to those incarcerated and featured a number of prison nurses

New publications

Nurses employed by GPs. RCN guidance on good employment practice (PDF 443.5 KB)
Publication code: 004853
Publication date: 11 July 2014
ISBN: 978-1-910066-33-1

Abstract:  This guidance has been developed to provide all nursing staff, practice managers, GPs and other stakeholders with a framework to support nurses employed in general practice. It includes information and links to the essential elements of good employment practice.


Consultation on qualifications for Registered Nurse scope of practice
Consultation on the qualifications prescribed for the registered nurse scope of practice
The Nursing Council of New Zealand (the Council) is considering an alternative pathway to registration as a registered nurse - a preregistration master’s degree in nursing.
The Council is consulting with interested individuals, nurses, representatives of nurses, nurse educators, and others in health and education sectors (stakeholders) regarding the possible inclusion of a preregistration master’s degree in nursing as a prescribed qualification for the registered nurse scope of practice.
The Council values the views of stakeholders and encourages you to respond to this consultation before 12 September 2014.
The consultation document can be downloaded here:

From the Ministry of  Health

Palliative Care and Māori from a Health Literacy Perspective
Health literacy refers to the degree people can access and understand health information to make informed and appropriate health decisions. This report focuses on the health literacy experiences among Māori and their whānau carers who use palliative care.

There is a limited amount of New Zealand research into the Māori experience of palliative care and issues of access. The report focuses on gaining a better understanding of ways to increase access to, and the quality of, palliative care services for Māori patients and their whānau by strengthening health literacy.

Professional development

New Zealand Healthcare Summit 2014
This year's event is a forum focusing on innovative models of care that form guidelines and policies, plus a focus on health priorities including: diabetes / obesity, ageing, mental, Māori health, and other major health priorities.

1-2 October 2014
Aotea Convention Centre

The above information has been collated for the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS and is provided on a weekly basis.  It is current as at Tuesday 12 Aug 2014

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