News bulletin 23 Jun

on 24 June


Welcome to the College of Nurses – News Update.
No. 257 24 June 2015


From NZ media this week

Wasp attack victim left unconscious by medicine mistake
A medical mishap has been blamed after a wasp sting victim passed out during emergency treatment.
In a decision released on Monday, Health and Disability Commissioner Theo Baker found a nurse incorrectly administered the drug promethazine undiluted, causing the patient to lose consciousness.

From International media this week

Assessing Nursing Quality and Patient Safety11
The use of surveys to assess the working environment for nurses is considered a tool in tracking and ensuring high-quality outcomes.

Experts say full staff engagement, training crucial to improving dementia care
Dementia-related behavioral disturbances are one of the top five reasons nursing home residents are readmitted to hospitals, according to experts affiliated with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

4 tips for improving communication and helping nurses get back to the patient's bedside
Nurses are one of the most important assets to a hospital. They can reduce the likelihood of falls, infections and medication errors, and improve patient satisfaction. That said, the more hospitals can do to keep nurses at the patient's bedside, the better.

Active clinician support, assistance are critical to successfully quitting smoking
While primary care providers' simply asking patients with high-risk smoking histories about their smoking status did not increase patients' likelihood of quitting, providing more direct assistance -- such as talking about how to quit, recommending or prescribing nicotine replacement or pharmaceutical aids, and following up on recommendations -- significantly improved patients' success in becoming smoke-free, investigators report.

MERS coronavirus a bigger threat to Australasia than Ebola, experts say
An infectious diseases expert has warned Australia is at greater risk from the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus than it was from Ebola, but Australian authorities insist the nation is prepared for any cases of the deadly disease.

In-school health programs led by RNs show success in reaching students
Integrating a registered nurse into Australian schools to help students make informed choices about health-related behaviors was successful in a recent pilot program, according to a recent study published in BioMed Central.

DHBs and PHOs

New Southern District Health Board to focus on long term goals
The new structure for the Southern District Health Board will mean more focus on long term goals, says a member of the newly appointed Commissioner's team.

Dunedin Hospital rebuild to cost extra $100 million
A day after sacking the Southern District Health Board for a ballooning deficit, Minister of Health Dr Jonathan Coleman visited Dunedin Hospital and confirmed a rebuild of the facility could cost an extra $100million.

South Canterbury doctors to offer zero fees for under 13s
The Zero Fees doctor visit scheme is being extended to all children under the age of 13 from July in South Canterbury.
Originally the government initiative only covered 6-year-olds and under but from July 1 under-13s will also be eligible for free General Practioner (GP) visits during the day and after-hours. They will also be exempt from the standard $5 pharmacy charge for each prescription item.


Medications may not be as effective for Māori
New research shows many medications and treatments may not work as effectively for Māori and Pasifika as they do for people of European descent.


Homecare Medical announced as successful partner to develop and deliver new integrated national telehealth service
Reaching the community in new ways with comprehensive health and wellness advice, support and information.

Jobs to go in telephone helplines change
The Government's chosen Homecare Medical to run Healthline and operate other familiar services, including Quitline; Gambling Helpline; Alcohol and Drug Helpline; and Depression Helpline.

Drugs, alcohol and smoking

Wellington emergency doctor calls for pure ecstasy to be made legal
The purest form of ecstasy is safer than alcohol and should be legalised, Wellington Hospital's emergency department head says.

Injury Prevention Aotearoa welcomes alcohol harm debate
Injury Prevention Aotearoa welcomes the debate around reducing alcohol-related harm, sparked by clinical toxicologist and ED specialist Dr Paul Quigley’s statement about the relative safety of pure ecstasy (MDMA) over alcohol.

Facebook drug craze 'Russian roulette'
A dangerous Facebook challenge has seen four teens hospitalised after consuming a handful of prescription pills with alcohol and  police fear it's a matter of time before someone dies.


Child obesity programme funded for South Island
Obesity treatment will be offered to parents of about 200 South Island children next year.
After a two year investigation into obesity treatment programmes, the Triple P Lifestyles programme, was recommended by the South Island Alliance of district health boards (SIA), Canterbury DHB  planning and funding general manager Wayne Turp said.

Articles of interest

Effects of a reduction in the number of short intervals between work shifts on heart rate variability: A prospective field study of female nurses
Susanna Järvelin-Pasanen … et al
Introduction: Shift work is one of the most serious occupational risk factors for health problems such as cardiovascular diseases. Furthermore, shift work disturbs sleep and alertness and impairs recovery from work, especially if the time between work shifts is insufficient. The aim of this study was to evaluate if a reduced number of short intervals (i.e., less than 11 hours) between work-shifts would result in better recovery indicated by sleep time heart rate variability reflecting the psychophysiological recovery. Methods: Participants were 39 female shift-working nurses with the mean age of 45 years. The study design was a prospective within-subject study with a one year follow-up. The 24-hour heart rate variability recordings supplemented with questionnaires were performed twice. First, while working in the old shift schedule with frequent short intervals between work shifts, and again after one year of a working schedule with a reduced number of short intervals between work shifts. Statistical analyses were conducted using liner mixed models. Results: The comparison between the initial shift system and the schedule with the reduced number of short intervals between work shifts caused an increase in heart rate variability parameters reflecting mainly parasympathetic activation of the autonomic nervous system (i.e., RMSSD, HF power and HF power in normalized units) (p < .001). Conclusions: In conclusion, our results suggest that reducing the number of short intervals between work shifts is an effective way to enhance the physiological recovery during the sleep. This study demonstrated that the recovery of autonomic nervous system from shift work can be promoted by implementation of ergonomic recommendations

Advanced skills for enrolled nurses: a developing classification
This paper is a report of a literature review designed to identify strategies central to the implementation of the industrial classification of enrolled nurses (second level nurse) with advanced skills within Australia.

Online resources

Caring for Adult Patients with Suicide Risk: A Consensus Guide for Emergency Departments
The National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention estimates that up to 20 percent of suicides could be prevented with the implementation of interventions in emergency departments. Caring for Adult Patients with Suicide Risk: A Consensus Guide for Emergency Departments is a new resource to promote a continuum of care, safety, and well-being for ED patients treated for suicide risk. Developed in collaboration with a panel of ED professionals, the Guide provides consensus- and research-based practices in decision support, initial interventions, and discharge planning.

From the Ministry of Health

Kia Piki te Ora Suicide Prevention Programme Evaluation Final Report
Suicide and suicidal behaviour continue to be a major public health issue in New Zealand. Each year more than 500 New Zealanders take their lives and there are over 2500 admissions to hospital for intentional self-harm. The latest statistics in 2012 show that almost one in five completed suicides were Māori suicides and the Māori youth suicide rates were 2.8 times higher than non-Māori youth.

Indicators for the Well Child/Tamariki Ora Quality Improvement Framework March 2015
The Ministry of Health, in partnership with sector experts, developed the Well Child / Tamariki Ora Quality Improvement Framework, drawing on New Zealand and international research.
The Framework has three aims: focusing on family/whānau experience; population health and best value for the health system; and setting quality indicators to audit health system performance.
This is the fourth Well Child / Tamariki Ora quality indicators publication, and shows areas of excellence and areas for improvement. The quality indicators help support the Ministry of Health, DHBs and providers of Well Child / Tamariki Ora and related child health services to identify and prioritise areas for national and local quality improvement.

Lung Cancer Multidisciplinary Meeting Toolkit
The National Lung Cancer Working Group developed this toolkit to help DHBs implement high quality multidisciplinary meetings (MDMs) specifically for lung cancer patients.
With the aim of bringing together best practice for a high quality lung cancer MDM, the working group has adapted the Guidance for Implementing High Quality Multidisciplinary Meetings (Ministry of Health 2012), to produce this toolkit.

Professional development

Obesity and Recovery: A Nursing Perspective Conference
29 - 30 October 2015
Rydges Sydney Central
Attend this conference to become more informed about the pathology of obesity and methods for maintaining a healthy weight. Hear experts in preventive medicine, psychology, neuroscience, paediatrics, endocrinology, physical fitness, nutrition and surgery discuss the causes, treatment and prevention discuss this key health issue. Concepts include:
Why do some people become obese and others not?
What drives people to overeat?
Energy in versus energy out: the science of metabolism
Why does childhood obesity often have lifelong effects?
Common myths of fad diets
Why is it so difficult to maintain weight loss?
How is a decision made to undergo surgical interventions?
How to conduct a therapeutic conversation with an obese person
Learn more
Now is the time for all nurses and midwives to become fully informed about this topic of growing concern. Book Now!

The above information has been collated for the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS and is provided on a weekly basis.  It is current as at Tuesday 23 June 2015

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