News bulletin 23 December

on 23 December


Welcome to the College of Nurses Aotearoa News Update.
No. 282 23 December 2015


From NZ media this week

Patients take centre stage in fundraising calender
An enterprising Southland nurse has created a fundraising calendar to raise awareness around the prevalence of chronic illnesses in the region.
Maureen Kirby, a registered nurse from the Southern DistricT Health Board, said she had a vision of creating a calendar which would profile and and support the clients she worked with and raise some funds for associated causes.

Nurse graduates struggle to get into work programme
Many DHBs aren't hiring as many graduate nurses this year, but Taranaki is bucking the trend. 
Some DHBs take new graduate nurses into the new graduate programme, but others are taking a significantly reduced number, New Zealand Nurses Organisation associate professional services manager, Hilary Graham-Smith said.  

Heart checks no longer national priority, targets reached but docs still worried
Heart checks will no longer be a national priority, despite the fact Maori targets are lagging behind.
More than 90 per cent of the eligible population have received heart checks, which is the milestone set. Maori, however, are at 85 per cent. 

Improved palliative care guidance released
Health Minister Jonathan Coleman welcomes new guidance on providing the best possible care for people during the last days of their lives.

Immunisation against whooping cough crucial in pregnancy: new report
A new report discusses how rates of whooping cough can be reduced by immunising women during pregnancy and improving education about the illness.

Extensive work needed to achieve health equity for Māori, say public health experts
Action must be taken to address the factors contributing to an unhealthy Māori population, the NZ College of Public Health Medicine (NZCPHM) urges Government.

Aged care

Increasingly challenging to provide psychiatric care in old age
The specialist doctors providing psychiatric treatment for elderly people are struggling to keep up with demand as the population ages, says Ian Powell, Executive Director of the Association of Salaried Medical Specialists (ASMS).

\Drugs, alcohol and smoking

Nurses urge tobacco plain-packaging laws in NZ
The NZ Government is being urged to get on with introducing plain-packaging laws for tobacco products after tobacco company Philip Morris failed in its bid to challenge such laws across the Tasman.

Trade Minister Todd McClay says NZ 'well-positioned' to defend plain packaging laws
Trade Minister Todd McClay says New Zealand is "well-positioned" to defend a legal challenge if plain packaging for tobacco is introduced.
On Friday, tobacco giant Philip Morris Asia suffered a major setback in its attempt to overturn Australian restrictions introduced in 2011.

Public health

Preventable illnesses account 89pct of deaths – NZ medical journal
Death and disability for thousands of New Zealanders could be avoided if a handful of proven prevention strategies to combat the nation's biggest health endemics are implemented.

Social health

New Fund to Improve Health Outlook for Disadvantaged Children
A new programme of interventional research that has the potential to make a significant and long lasting improvement to the health of disadvantaged young New Zealanders will commence in 2016 following the formation of a funding partnership between child health research charity Cure Kids and Perpetual Guardian’s philanthropic services.

Child poverty 'moral crisis' for New Zealand
Child poverty is a national, economic and moral crisis that requires a national response, the outgoing head of the Auckland City Mission says

From International media this week

Nurses 'more stressed by being undervalued than by workload'
Nurses may suffer more stress due to feeling undervalued than because of their workload, a study has suggested.

Nurses raise concerns over patient safety in new poll
Nurses are under such pressure that they cannot guarantee safe care for their patients, according to a new poll.

Nurse staffing, work environments affect survival after in-hospital cardiac arrest
Patients with in-hospital cardiac arrest have low survival rates -- but why do some hospitals achieve higher survival than others? Higher nurse staffing levels and better working conditions may be part of the answer, reports a new study.

Reports point out nursing woes
THE lack of nursing professional development in the country over the years has forced many towards greener pastures.

Articles of interest

Thoughts to Thrive (or Survive) Professional Transitions
This article shares practical ideas on how to thrive or survive an unexpected professional transition. The ideas are based on the author's personal experience and years of listening to, and coaching, professional colleagues. The logistics of transitioning out of an organization are difficult enough when it is planned. The challenges of doing so when it is an unexpected transition can be daunting. Logistical considerations on how to leave an organization and begin to explore other opportunities are presented. Topics include strategies on how to be resilient, manage financial and benefit changes, communicate reasons for the job change, and tap into professional networks. In today's environment, these logistical considerations are worthy of proactive contemplation. Exceptional leaders have likely spent their professional lives leading with valor, and times of transition should be no exception. Thriving and surviving in transition calls for a sense of resilience, careful consideration of potentially unforeseen logistics related to exiting an organization, and a sense of inspiration to continue to lead with courage.

In sickness and in health: Nurses and presenteeism
 recent study from JAMA Pediatrics conducted a mixed-methods analysis of more than 500 clinicians and their self-report on presenteeism. Of those surveyed, more than 95% demonstrated the knowledge that working while sick puts patients at risk. Despite this knowledge, 83% reported working despite illness at least once that year. They didn’t want to let down their colleagues, create staffing problems, or disappoint their patients.1 However, the study conclusions show that the issue is more complex; presenteeism is shaped by sociocultural factors (peer pressure) and systems-level factors (facility policy).

From the Ministry of Health

Te Ara Whakapiri: Principles and guidance for the last days of life
Te Ara Whakapiri: Principles and guidance for the last days of life outlines the essential components and considerations required to promote quality care at the end of life for all adults in New Zealand. It also provides examples of useful approaches and tools that will serve as aids for the development of national and/or local resources as part of implementation.
The guidance document is based on an extensive evaluation of the available literature and is informed by local research, ensuring it is applicable to the unique context that is Aotearoa New Zealand.
It has been endorsed by key professional health organisations in New Zealand and marks a major step towards ensuring that all health care services across the country are focused on delivering the very best care for people who are dying and for their family/whānau whatever the setting.

The New Zealand Casemix System – An Overview
A guide for clinical staff, clinical coders, service managers, and other sector participants in understanding the casemix based funding system, the importance of clinical coding, and how it is applied in the funding of inpatient hospital admissions in New Zealand.

The above information has been collated for the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc by Linda Stopforth, SNIPS and is provided on a weekly basis.  It is current as at Tuesday 22 December 2015

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