** Call For Abstracts Opens 30 July 2018
** Call For Abstracts Closes 15 26 October 2018
The Nurse Practitioner New Zealand [NPNZ] Executive, invites submissions for abstracts for our biannual conference “NPNZ (R)evolution” to be held in Blenheim, Marlborough on 10, 11 & 12 April 2019. We will be expecting an audience of NZ registered NPs, NP intern’s, Prescribing RNs, internationally registered NPs and other health professionals who will be attending.
Nurse Practitioners are now a stronger and vital part of the workforce than ever - with over 300 NPs currently registered and spread throughout the country - in every DHB region covering a wide range of healthcare fields. We are expert clinicians in our individual fields, we are improving access to care throughout New Zealand, we are innovators, we are team players, we are sustainable, and some are ‘social entrepreneurs’ running their own businesses or new models of care developed to better meet the needs of population groups they work with.
NPNZ invites NP speakers that will showcase the very best clinical content, innovation and ‘out of the square’ practice reflecting and celebrating the (R)evolution of NP care in NZ with the aim to share knowledge and inform, as well as create some platform for debate amongst the most clinically expert influential leader nurses in NZ. We want to continue improving and maintaining excellence of NP practice and professional competency.
- NPNZ especially wishes to invite newer NPs to submit abstracts
- There are 24 time slots /spaces available
- Your presentation would last 20- 30minutes. We aim to stream concurrent themes on the afternoon of Thursday, 11 April and the morning of Friday, 12 April 2019
- Call for abstracts opens 30 July 2018
- Closing date for Abstracts is Friday, 26 October 2018
- A team of NPs will review and select abstracts
- Notification of selection will take place by 19th Nov 2018
- Please note that concurrent session speakers are expected to cover their own delegate fees, travel and accommodation costs
- Spot prize for presenters to be given at end of conference
Guidelines for Abstracts
Title of Presentation:
Description [word limit 300 words, Font Arial 12]:
References - maximum of 5 to be listed on abstract:
Name of principal Author/ Presenter:
Names of Co- authors/Co- presenters:
Area of Practice:
Contact Phone Number:
Country of Origin:
Please Email Abstracts to the Conference Convenor: Diane Williams
The two and a half day format will comprise of;
- 10 April - afternoon session about the NP pathway in New Zealand
- 11 & 12 April - two full days of Keynote speakers, significant nation-wide health sector updates, streamed concurrent sessions relating to field specific NP case studies and innovations
The conference venue is:
Marlborough Conference Centre 42A Alfred St, Blenheim, 7201

The Marlborough Region is a beautiful family friendly destination & gateway to the famous Marlborough Sounds, renowned for the highest sunshine hours in New Zealand.
We look forward to hosting you & thank you in advance for your willingness to attend.
Diane Williams NP [PHC]
Conference Convenor on behalf of NPNZ Executive