College of Nurses New Zealand Caucus Names
Aronuku (Māori caucus)
• Downwards, towards the earth; Papatuānuku
Arorangi (Pākehā caucus)
• Upwards, towards the skies and heavens; Ranginui.
Connection to the caucuses of a leading national nurses’ organisation • In te ao Māori, the two names encompass the earth below us and the heavens above us. Accordingly, the names have been gifted to these two caucuses and represent all phenomena that reside within this space, and that ultimately impact on te ira tangata (the human element) and our wellbeing. It is not for Aronuku to solely address te ao Māori nor is it about Arorangi addressing te ao Pākehā, it is about Aronuku and Arorangi together, in collaboration addressing te ao Māori when it comes to kaupapa and issues that the College of Nurses’ caucuses navigate and deal with. That is, Arorangi must be fully cognisant of and acknowledge te ao Māori in all of its business and not leave te ao Māori for Aronuku to take care of. As tuakana in this relationship, Aronuku can and should lead Arorangi to ensure the holistic wellbeing of the organisation; indeed of the community at large