CNA(NZ) NPNZ - COVID-19 Position
Thank you to those of you who engaged with our query about your support for mandatory Covid -19 vaccination for health workers.
Interestingly only 5 members expressed concern or active resistance.
The support or otherwise of the College or NPNZ will of course not change the outcome as Government has determined that it will be the case for a number of occupational groups regardless of our views. However we feel it is vital that the public see us as engaged and visible given that nurses are at both the frontline and the “engine room” of the entire Covid response.
We are very mindful of the complexities inherent in mandating because of the challenges to personal freedoms, personal autonomy and personal privacy. But we have no concerns about the evidence based safety and value of the vaccine in terms of protecting people from the serious consequences of a Covid infection and reducing the pressures on our fragile health system.
We will therefore be supporting and not challenging the mandatory vaccination for health workers. Please find attached the relevant position statement.
Ngā mihi nui
Prof Jenny Carryer CNZM Executive Director (CNA)
Sandra Oster NP MSN Chair NPNZ
Dr Mark Jones Co Chair (CNA)
Rhoena Davis NP Co Chair (CNA)
CNA(NZ) NPNZ COVID-19 Position (0.10MB)
Learning Module for COVID-19 Swabbing for healthcare worker
The module is hosted on the Ministry’s website as an optional resource for employers to use to support healthcare workers to perform COVID-19 swabbing. There are four other OnLine COVID resources available at this site as well.
Click here to view the module
Community Response Framework
Community Response Framework