National Nursing Consortium: Specialty Standards Endorsement
To: Membership of: New Zealand Nurses Organisation,
College of Nurses Aotearoa,
Te Kaunihera o Ngā Neehi Māori
Te Ao Maramatanga
From: Di Roud – Chair - National Nursing Consortium
Date: 11 May 2017
National Nursing Consortium – Knowledge Skills Frameworks & Practice Standards
This memo is an update from the National Nursing Consortium (NNC) to its member New Zealand nursing organisations.
In 2016 Kynance Consulting Ltd., was contracted by the National Nursing Organisation group (NNOg) to undertake a Review of the National Nursing Consortium – Knowledge and Skills Frameworks (KSF), this was completed in December 2016. NNC members agreed with the findings and the report was forwarded to NNOg.
The review made 3 recommendations:
- Disband the Consortium
- Continue with the current Consortium KSF process
- Refresh the Consortium intent and processes including leadership investment.
NNOg discussed the report at their meeting in January 2017 and subsequently asked NNC to consider a fourth recommendation:
- Develop robust principles to guide the development of Speciality Standards without the requirement for endorsement by the NNC.
Following a teleconference on 8 May 2017 representatives of the NNC agreed to progress with the development of robust principles to guide nurses who which to develop speciality standards and that NNC would no longer be involved in endorsement of speciality standard documents. The NNC members view this as a way to address the recommendation to refresh the Consortiums’ intent and provide guidance to the nursing profession regarding the development of speciality standards including guidance on embedding Kawa Whakaruruhau (cultural safety) into the standards. We recommended no further Knowledge Skills Frameworks are developed at the present time.
NNC aims to develop at least a draft set of principles and submit this work to NNOg in time for their meeting 8 June 2017. In the meantime please make this known to your members.
Memo re National Nursing Consortium KSF... (0.21MB)
The National Nursing Consortium no longer provides credentialing for specialty nursing standards, this is the responsibility of the specialty groups within the profession.
Click Here for Guidance for the Development of Specialty Practice Nursing Standards
Guidance for the Development of Specialty... (0.39MB)