Tina Murphy NP ED & Primary Care
Tina Murphy is a Nurse Practitioner in New Zealand, having embarked on this career journey 15 years ago in the UK. With her passion being focused in Emergency Care and her potential recognised by those she worked with, Tina grasped the challenge and gained her Masters in Autonomous Health Care Practice and has never looked back. With her experience and competence evidenced by her progression up the steep ladder of clinical status, Tina is a representative of the potential that health care can gain from Nurse Practitioners.
As a dedicated and compassionate advocate for Nurse Practitioners, Tina has not only developed her own experience, knowledge and scope, but has additionally embraced and provided Intern Programmes for Nurse Practitioners, starting on that first exciting day, to the successful moment of becoming registered and then beyond as practice becomes ‘real’. Her commitment shows no limits, from education, supervision and development to entertaining intern’s children while they finish that ‘paper’!
Now settled firmly on New Zealand soil, Tina has brought her enthusiastic passion, skills and experience and commitment to participating in taking the nursing profession forward here. Based in beautiful Tasman, she is changing the delivery of Urgent Care there, showing how Nurse Practitioners and advanced skilled nurses can continue to change the face of nursing. She welcomes you to come and embrace the challenge.
Nurse Practitioners have been present in New Zealand since 2001 with their presence and practice growing every day. The first Nurse Practitioner specialised in Neonatal care and the scope and speciality range of Nurse Practitioners has grown tenfold since this time, to include primary and secondary care, specialist areas such as palliative, diabetes, pain management, long term conditions….. and the list goes on.
In April 2017, the first major change to the scope of practice of Nurse Practitioners since establishment in 2001 occurred, following a comprehensive review and consultation process. This was to ensure that Nurse Practitioner’s position in New Zealand health care is able to be sufficiently flexible to safely and appropriately meet the changing health needs, considering an aging, diverse, remote and underserved population and a presence of increased population living with chronic conditions.
The situation of registering as a Nurse Practitioner in a specific speciality and sphere only is consequently changing, with the ability to move scope and area of practice, ensuring that the Nurse Practitioner is competent and proficient in the sphere they choice to practice in. This recognises the increasing areas of practice that Nurse Practitioners can influence and make a difference in, encouraging Nurse Practitioners and their associate colleagues to consider different ways of delivering health care.
No longer is the Nurse Practitioner restricted to traditional areas of practice, but instead, the opportunities are here for Nurse Practitioners to make changes and introduce new ways of working and delivering health care, which includes thinking ‘out of the box’ and considering a place for Nurse Practitioners in new services. Having practiced as a Nurse Practitioner both in New Zealand and overseas, the presenter will discuss and demonstrate some examples of how the Nurse Practitioner in New Zealand can impact on current services and indeed lead the development of news ways of working in health care, especially looking at rural innovations.
This presentation will show examples of where a different approach by Nurse Practitioners scope and area of practice, can lead the way for changes in health care services and delivery for the future. It is our time to influence health care.
Title: Getting into Resus
As the Nurse Practitioner presence grows in New Zealand, so does the extent of their autonomous practice and associated scope of intervention. With the ability to be the ‘Lead healthcare provider’, able to complete all elements of required care according to their experience and area of competence, the type of presentations they can provide health care to within emergency medicine is much broader than 10 years ago.
So, lets look at the reality of advanced level autonomous practice provided by the Nurse Practitioner working in ED, including specific diagnostic interventions and communications skills to support their clinical care choices. Take the opportunity to hear this case study related to a resuscitation patient presentation who required resuscitation interventions, rapid assessment, diagnostic investigations, interventions and rapid decision making for an unexpected conclusion.
Something to make you think “what would I do?” and “look what I can do!”.