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Gabrielle Driscoll NP
Gabrielle Driscoll NP
I am a newly registered (December 2018) Nurse Practitioner currently employed as a Clinical Nurse Specialist in the Wellington Hospital Palliative Care service.
I was lucky enough to be accepted onto the HWNZ funded stream of the Nurse Practitioner training programme at Auckland University in 2018, following completion of my Clinical Masters of Nursing Science in 2017 through Victoria University in Wellington.
I am excited to be about to commence employment as a Nurse Practitioner in Palliative Care, working in a shared role between Mary Potter Hospice on secondment from Capital and Coast District Health Board. This is the first time the hospice have employed a Nurse Practitioner – and it has been a positive experience exploring how the Nurse Practitioner role can contribute to and complement the delivery of specialist palliative care within the Wellington region, particularly within the community setting.
In my presentation I hope to share a little of my experience of the NPTP programme, and how it prepared me for completion of a Nurse practitioner portfolio and the Nursing Council panel interview process.