Please click on each speakers photo to see their bio.
Mark Baldwin NP Mental Health, Chairperson NPNZ
Mark Baldwin NP Mental Health, Chairperson NPNZ
Mark trained as a Mental Health nurse gaining a B.A. (Hons) degree in Mental Health from Sheffield Hallam University, later gaining a Masters degree in Mental Health from the Peninsula Medical school in Plymouth UK. Having worked in a variety of Adult Acute Inpatient, Adult Intensive Care, Research Nurse and Community Mental Health team posts around the UK Mark emigrated to Dunedin, New Zealand in 2008.
Working at the Southern DHB as an Inpatient Nurse, Psychiatric District Nurse and Clinical Nurse Specialist on an adult acute mental health ward. Having completed a Post-Graduate diploma in Health Sciences Mark passed the Nursing Council of New Zealand Panel for Nurse Practitioner in November 2013. The role of Nurse Practitioner working with the local NGO, PACT began in December 2014.
Mark has been Chair of Nurse Practitioners New Zealand group since October 2016, having previously been secretary from February 2014.
Title: Playing the numbers…….prescribing at the Margins
This talk will examine the challenges that are faced when prescribing for patients who fall outside of the body of the bell curve.
The case will deal with the difficulties in the assessment and treatment of a patient with a longstanding hypoxic brain injury with limited verbal communication. It will also examine the challenges of inheriting another clinician’s prescribing regimen and of the limitations placed by co-morbid physical conditions. The influence of the care context and working with an unregulated workforce will also be included. An examination of the prescribing rationale will be undertaken.”