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Stephanie Slater Occupational Therapist
Stephanie Slater, Occupational Therapist
Stephanie Slater is an Occupational Therapist and holds a Masters as an Advanced Practitioner. Stephanie has worked in a wide variety of roles including mental health and vocational rehabilitation. Her specialist fields are in brain injury, cardiac rehabilitation and service development.
Originally from the UK Stephanie encouraged her husband to come and work in New Zealand in 2012, joining Veterans’ Affairs 2 years ago in her current role of Rehabilitation Team Leader.
Stephanie was part of the team from within Veterans’ Affairs and external organisations who assisted in the development of The Veteran Rehabilitation Strategy which was launched by the Minister for Veterans in May 2018.
Stephanie is passionate about supporting New Zealand veterans at home and abroad, working in collaboration with service providers.
Title: Veteran Rehabilitation Strategy
Veterans’ Affairs funds support for veterans’ of the New Zealand Defence Force with qualifying operational service. In 2014 the new Veterans’ Support Act made it possible for Veterans’ Affairs to focus on offering not just financial compensation but also rehabilitation. In response to this new Act Veterans’ Affairs have developed a rehabilitation strategy that is Veteran-centric, Integrated, Collaborative and Trusted which will deliver practical support and assistance to the men and women who need it so that they can be well and independent and achieve the best they can for themselves, their Whānau, and their communities.
Nurse Practitioners are ideally placed to identify those who have served. This presentation will provide an overview of Veterans’ Affairs, the Veteran Rehabilitation Strategy and a summary of possible impacts of having been on operational service and the transition into civilian life. Case studies will provide an insight into possible joint working and additional resources Veterans’ Affairs can provide to honour those who have served.