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Jackie Clapperton NP St Johns, ED & Primary Care
Jackie Clapperton NP St Johns, ED & Primary Care
Jackie is a St John Nurse Practitioner (NP) and Intensive Care Paramedic (ICP).
Jackie has been a NP for 4 years and 18 years as an ICP.
NP practice is front line ambulance and locum primary health care based (both urban and rural)
Title: Jack” in the box/out of the box
Until proven otherwise, it was a ‘World First’ four years ago to practice in a dual role as an Emergency Nurse Practitioner and Intensive Care Paramedic in a front line ambulance. I believe the Nurse Practitioner ‘skill set’ has opened up many opportunities in Tairawhiti. It has allowed the role to change in a number of different directions such as working in rural and remote practices, in primary health care and at large events like Rhythm and Vines and the AIMS Games. I want to share how the journey has evolved and to share some of the successes both personally and clinically. It is also important to share and expose my own vulnerability and stressors which invariably play a large part in me standing here today.