Michelle Rohleder
Role/Title: Professional Supervisor/Registered Nurse
Qualifications:RN, Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Supervision
Website: www.michellerohleder.co.nz
Location: Waikato. Will negotiate travel to other areas.
Cultural Supervision for Maori Nurses: No
Supervision Provided Via: Face to Face, Other, Telephone
Travel to the Supervisee: Yes
Mileage Fee: Yes
Format of Supervision: Group, Individual
Supervision Specialty Areas: Kaiawhina, Primary Health Care, Department of Corrections, nursing in a Kaupapa Māori environment, school clinics, youth health, emergency nursing, inter-sectorial supervision. In house Introduction to Professional Supervision workshops for organisations/managers and/or supervisees. I work with health professionals throughout Aotearoa either individually or in group supervision. I enjoy supervising Nurse Practitioner interns and Nurse Practitioners and working with nurses in leadership roles or on graduate and postgraduate pathways. I was one of the inaugural co-facilitators/convenors of the Midland Mātanga Tapuhi (Nurse Practitioner) Group and Midland Designated RN Prescriber Group.
Professional Registration: Registered Nurse
Other Registrations: N/A
Appointments: By negotiation
Fees: By negotiation
Payment Options: Internet banking, invoice to organisation.
Tena koe. I was raised in West Auckland and completed my RN training in the UK while on my OE, which lasted ten years. I have worked as a Principal Advisor for Te Whatu Ora/Health NZ, and as a Health Advisor for Ara Poutama Aotearoa (Department of Corrections). I have been a professional supervisor since 2015. My clinical experience includes neonatal, paediatric and adult intensive care, emergency department nursing, practice nursing, outreach immunisation, and two years in the role of Tissue Transplant Coordinator in Auckland before moving to the Waikato in 2003. For seven years I was responsible for recruiting GPs and RNs for secondary school clinics across the greater Waikato and providing oversight for education and coordination of these services, which I greatly enjoyed. I have also been a tutor for undergraduate nursing students at Wintec which gave me valuable insight into how we prepare and support the next generation of nurses. I worked for a Primary Health Organisation for seven years, mainly as the nurse lead in workforce development. My other interest is writing; I am the author of five novels.
The fast pace and increasing demands of health care delivery have resulted in nurses having less time to work together and share experiences with colleagues. My sessions with my own supervisor provide me with an opportunity to take a breath, reflect on what's been good and not so good and why, and refill the tank. My aim as a supervisor is to provide a supportive, protected space that promotes safe, ethical practice and emphasises the importance of self-care -something nurses do so well for their clients but less well for themselves.