Role/Title: Professional Supervisor/RN
Qualifications:RcpN, BN, PG Cert Palliative Care, PG DipHsc Palliative Care, PG Cert Professional Supervision
Location: Nelson/Tasman
Cultural Supervision for Maori Nurses: Yes
Supervision Provided Via: Teams, Face to Face
Travel to the Supervisee: No
Mileage Fee: Not Applicable
Format of Supervision: Individual
Supervision Specialty Areas:My Professional Supervision qualification enables me to provide prospective supervisees inclusive of all personal and professional backgrounds, intra-professional (nurse-nurse), and inter-professional (nurse-other professional) based supervision. My interests and approaches to supervision draw on Reflective Learning models and Strengths-based approaches, Restorative process and Narrative work (speaking and sharing our Kōrero) about professional practice.
I have a special interest in hospice/palliative care as a field of practice having spent many years working in this practice setting.
Professional Registration: Registered Nurse
Other Registrations: New Zealand Nursing Council - Registration 132684, College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) member
Appointments: By negotiation.
Fees: $110 per session inclusive of GST. (supervision sessions are 1 hour duration). Fee is to be paid at time of session by supervisee or through supervisee's employer at an agreed timeframe.
Payment Options: By monthly invoice to the Supervisee's Employer/Organisation or Individual Supervisee.
“Nāu te raurau, Nāku te raurau, Kā kit e kete. With your input and my input, the basket will be full.” (McKenna, 2008).
Haere Mai and welcome to this space to share in our knowledge, wisdoms and learning together. I look forward to working with and supporting you in your reflective practice journey. And incorporating the values of Collaboration, Empowerment, Participation, Respect and Appreciative Inquiry.
What I offer as a professional and a person in supervision practice: Liz Sherrington: -
Qualifications: RcPN, BN, PG Cert Palliative Care, PG DipHSc Palliative Care, PG Cert Professional Supervision.
Current Role: Independent Practice in Professional Supervision
Vision, Approach and Direction for Supervision Practice: As a newly qualified supervisor and experienced supervisee I believe learning is a shared, continual, evolving and lifelong process influenced by our own unique experiences (what we can learn from each other), our shared interactions (the new learning that comes from reflective process with others), and our intuitions (what we already know) and bring to our professional practice.
To develop, deepen our attention to grow, and maximize our learning journeys also requires a depth of self-awareness, introspection, understanding about our professional responsibilities, curiosity, creativity and restorative process. Supervision provides opportunities to explore our learning and extract meaningful and purposeful understanding about professional practice, and to positively transform this learning into future practice.
Areas of Interest: Strengths-based approaches, Reflective Learning, and Narrative (speaking and sharing our Kōrero from professional practice).
Type of Supervision provided: One to one professional and Interprofessional supervision.