Cherene Neilson-Hornblow
Role/Title: Pou Whakahaere HĀ Healing through the Breath, Cultural & Clinical Supervision, ACC Rongoā Māori Practitioner. Corporate events
Qualifications:MA Nursing, RCpN, Introduction Supervision, PGDip Bicultural Supervision, Diploma in Rongoā Māori, Rongoā Māori Certificate.
Location: Te Horo healing hub and or Porirua and Wellington (discuss location)
Cultural Supervision for Maori Nurses: Yes
Supervision Provided Via: Other, Face to Face, Telephone, Facetime, Zoom, Skype
Travel to the Supervisee: Yes
Mileage Fee: negotiable
Format of Supervision: Individual, Group
Supervision Specialty Areas:Whakahaere Tikanga -cultural, clinical, professional supervision
Ngā taonga tuku iho o ngā Tupuna - Treasures left to us by our Ancestors.
HĀ Healing - breath techniques
Kanohi ki te Kanohi – Talking Therapy
Hohou i te rongo - Make Peace
Rongoā Māori - Herbal Remedies
Taonga Pūoro - Musical Instrument
Pakiwaitara- Narrative
Mirimiri- Healing Massage
Mana Motuhake- self determination
Professional Registration: Registered Nurse
Other Registrations: ACC Rongoā Māori practitioner
Acceptance Commitment Therapist - beginners, Brief Intervention ACT, FACT, Trauma Fact
Te Ao Māori practitioner
Registered Mental Health Nurse
Appointments: Registered Mental Health Nurse, Forensic & Intellectual Disability, Public Health Nurse, Community, Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal Māori ropū, Acute Mental Health Manager, Clinical Lead Private, Cultural Lead, ACT Therapist. Rongoā Māori practitioner.
Fees: negotiables refer website.
Payment Options: invoiced internet or cash payment within 10 working days
Tēnā koe
Ko Mātaatua raua Ko Horouta ōku waka
Ko Whakataha raua Ko Hikurangi ōku maunga
Ko Waitangi raua Ko Waiapu ōku awa
Ko Ngāti Rehia, Te Whiu, Ngāti Hineira, Ngāti Hine Ngāti Rangi ōku hapū
Ko Ngāpuhi nui tonu raua Ko Ngāti Porou ōku iwi
Ko Nevel Neilson raua ko Pirihira Nukunuku ōku mātua
Ko au tēnei ē tū Cherene Neilson-Hornblow ahau
Mauri ora tēnā koutou katoa
I whakapapa to Te Tai Tokerau-Northland/ Norwegian and Te Tairāwhiti/Spanish - East Coast. I have been a registered comprehensive nurse for thirty years. My experience includes clinical, cultural and management. I was called and inspired to set up HĀ Healing Hub in 2022.
My specialty areas include Mental Health, Forensic and Intellectual Disabilities in Aotearoa and the United Kingdom. I am qualified in a variety of areas including Strengths Based and Reflective Listening Practice and Focused Acceptance Commitment Therapy and Trauma-Focused Acceptance Commitment Therapy and Bicultural Supervision.
My approach in Te Ao Māori Centered Design includes Tikanga, Kawa, Intention this combines Mātauranga Māori, Maramataka, Te Taiao, Rongoā Māori, Taonga Pūoro and HĀ breathwork techniques and healing providing balance and harmony combining ancient indigenous mātauranga with modern science and technology. It is important to build relationships and understanding Atua through wairuatanga to connect spiritual, physical, mental and whānau wellbeing.
I have extensive personal, professional, cultural experiences in both Aotearoa and the United Kingdom. My travels include many memorable trips one in particular was travelling through Europe into Russia and on the Silk Route by train, taxi, camel and buses. I have been blessed to have also travelled to various places through kapahaka and performed in the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Europe, Asia, Canada and China.
I acknowledge my parents Nevel and Pirihira Neilson for their love and compassion for installing the importance of relationships, their work ethic and drive to aspire to whatever we dreamed we could be. Lasty, I recognize ngā Taonga tuku iho o ngā Tupuna – Treasures Left to Us by our Ancestors.
"The meaning of life is to find your gift, the purpose of life is to give it away"
- Pablo Picasso