
Rochelle Eynon

Role/Title: Nurse Practitioner, Clinical Editor, Primary Care Liaison

Qualifications:Master of Health Science (Hons), Bachelor of Health Science (NUrsing)

Mobile:021 118 6032


Location: All areas - virtual

Cultural Supervision for Maori Nurses: No

Supervision Provided Via: Telephone, Zoom, Facetime

Travel to the Supervisee: No

Format of Supervision: Individual

Supervision Specialty Areas:Primary care nursing, public health nursing, primary and secondary care interface and navigating collaboration with inter-professionals and multidisciplinary collegial relationships, clinical leadership, clinical governance, nursing advocacy, supporting transition to new roles, new graduate nursing, nurse practitioner pathways and transitions

Professional Registration: Nurse Practitioner

Other Registrations: NZNO Hauora NP. NZ's NP podcast

Appointments: By negotiation

Fees: $120 per hour + GST

Payment Options: bank transfer


I have been working predominately in primary care for over nearly 15 years. As well as working in primary care, I work as a Clinical Editor for Health Pathways and as a Primary Care Liaison (based in the secondary sector) which supports the interface between primary and secondary care between primary and specialist service colleagues/networks. Recently I started a part-time role in public health which was a new role developed to support the NP role within public health. I am familiar with the transition from registered nurse to NP, as well as being the first in roles and navigation changes with the nurse role. In 2022, alongside an NP colleague, I developed the Hauora NP podcast -aimed to support the NP role within Aotearoa. I am passionate about supporting NZ's largest health workforce and professional supervision is so integral to supporting the transition to many roles within the nursing community to successfully optimise care delivery.

Areas of Interest