Rochelle Eynon
Role/Title: Nurse Practitioner, Clinical Editor, Primary Care Liaison
Qualifications:Master of Health Science (Hons), Bachelor of Health Science (NUrsing)
Mobile:021 118 6032
Location: All areas - virtual
Cultural Supervision for Maori Nurses: No
Supervision Provided Via: Telephone, Zoom, Facetime
Travel to the Supervisee: No
Format of Supervision: Individual
Supervision Specialty Areas:Primary care nursing, public health nursing, primary and secondary care interface and navigating collaboration with inter-professionals and multidisciplinary collegial relationships, clinical leadership, clinical governance, nursing advocacy, supporting transition to new roles, new graduate nursing, nurse practitioner pathways and transitions
Professional Registration: Nurse Practitioner
Other Registrations: NZNO
Hauora NP. NZ's NP podcast
Appointments: By negotiation
Fees: $120 per hour + GST
Payment Options: bank transfer
I have been working predominately in primary care for over nearly 15 years. As well as working in primary care, I work as a Clinical Editor for Health Pathways and as a Primary Care Liaison (based in the secondary sector) which supports the interface between primary and secondary care between primary and specialist service colleagues/networks. Recently I started a part-time role in public health which was a new role developed to support the NP role within public health. I am familiar with the transition from registered nurse to NP, as well as being the first in roles and navigation changes with the nurse role. In 2022, alongside an NP colleague, I developed the Hauora NP podcast -aimed to support the NP role within Aotearoa. I am passionate about supporting NZ's largest health workforce and professional supervision is so integral to supporting the transition to many roles within the nursing community to successfully optimise care delivery.